Update MakeDb to work with new IMGT output format

Issue #44 resolved
Jason Vander Heiden created an issue

IMGT just switched to .txz files (xz compression, lzma package may be needed) and altered some the internal file names.

Need to autodetect what version of the output format it is and parse it correctly in MakeDb.

Comments (4)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden reporter

    The -f argument works correctly with the uncompressed output of the .txz files, provided the files are extracted into a folder.

    When we switch to python 3 we should be able to just do zipfile.ZipFile(imgt_output, 'r', compression=zipfile.ZIP_LZMA) for extraction of the .txz files.

    For now, I put a notice on the website that the new IMGT output needs to be extracted into a folder.

  2. Jason Vander Heiden reporter

    Correction, I think we want to use the tarfile library in Python 3, which includes lzma support as well.

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