Decide on tool deprecation

Issue #57 resolved
Jason Vander Heiden created an issue

We should get some input from users on whether we should remove GapRecords (because of the improvements to MakeDb-igblast) and AnalyzeAa (in favor of putting it in alakazam) for v0.3.0. My inclination would be yes, but I'm not sure how everyone else feels.

Either, we should rename GapRecords to AlignRecords, as it will no longer include the gapping functionality.

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden reporter

    Looks like the decision is to remove them. I removed both AnalayzeAa and GapRecords from, and renamed GapRecords to AlignRecords. I'm inclined to keep them in the repo, just in case they need to be revived, but exclude them from the installation process.

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