MakeDb igblast is not parsing pRESTO headers

Issue #82 resolved
Namita Gupta created an issue

Both parseIMGT() and parseIgBlast() have no_parse=True by default. This is then passed to writeDb(), which uses the flag to decide whether or not to parseAnnotation from

  1. Figure out where the IMGT parser is setting no_parse=False
  2. Give the IgBLAST parser consistent behavior

Comments (5)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden

    This worked in v0.3.3. It looks like what happened is that at some poit this block:

    if not no_parse:  ordered_fields.extend(list(record.annotations.keys()))
    pass_handle = open(pass_file, 'wt')
    pass_writer = getDbWriter(pass_handle, add_fields=ordered_fields)

    Got moved up before the annotations were parsed, so record.annotations was empty.

  2. Namita Gupta reporter

    Ohhh this was part of Susanna making the 'partial' file so a fail handle would exist farther up...

  3. Jason Vander Heiden

    I didn't check, but that seems likely. Luckily, these means we don't need to do a release after fixing it. Fixing it now.

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