AssemblePairs: error: unrecognized arguments: --aligner blastn

Issue #48 resolved
SL created an issue

I want to use AssemblePairs reference with the aligner blastn, and a custom database. AssemblePairs is not recognizing the flag for the aligner name, and providing the path to the executable, does not work. Also, --dbexec is unrecognized for makeblastdb.

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden


    We added blastn support in the development version (v0.5.2.999), which you can install via: pip3 install hg+ --user

    Further instructions are here:

    If you install the development version these options will be available. Probably later this week we'll make an official v0.5.3 release with these changes. There'd just a couple things I want to squeeze in before release.

    The docs default to the current development version, and not the version currently on PyPI. You can switch the docs to the v0.5.2 docs via the menu in the lower left.

    We should really just switch the docs so that the released version is the default to help avoid confusion.

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