pandas bug.

Issue #53 resolved
Former user created an issue nuc_df pandas bug. Unfortunately I didn't record the output. These lines are involved.

lines 208 to 213:
        #nuc_pairs = list(permutations(['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'], 2))
        #nuc_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(nuc_pairs, names=['obs', 'ref'])
        nuc_index = pd.MultiIndex(levels=[[], []], labels=[[], []], names=['obs', 'ref'])
        nuc_df = pd.DataFrame(None, index=nuc_index,
                              columns=['mismatch', 'q_sum', 'total'],

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden

    I fixed a division by zero error when there were no mismatches in 09922c7. Kinda hard to tell if it's the same issue without input, output and trace.

    If this isn't the same issue, reopen when it appears again.

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