- changed status to resolved
Error in uniroot
Issue #12
After running analyzeClones analysis:
FA1_FA2 <- defineClonesScoper(db = FA1_FA2, junction = "JUNCTION", v_call = "V_CALL",
j_call = "J_CALL", first = TRUE, progress = TRUE)
analyzeClones(db = FA1_FA2, junction = "JUNCTION", v_call = "V_CALL", j_call = "J_CALL",
clone = "CLONE", first = FALSE, cdr3 = FALSE, nproc = 1,
progress = TRUE)
I got the following error:
Error in uniroot(intersectPoint, interval = c(minInt, maxInt), tol = 1e-08, :
f.lower = f(lower) is NA
Any ideas how can I fix that??
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Please use the dev version or most recent CRAN version which will be released soon... The old functioning is departed.