groupBaseline returns list_GroupPdfs, should be sorted_list_GroupPdfs?

Issue #106 resolved
ssnn created an issue

@javh @jqz Do you think this line is correct? I am not familiar with the code, but I have noticed sorted_list_GroupPdfs exists

This is line 1089 in Baseline.R, inside groupBaseline()

return( c( list_GroupPdfs[[1]], as.numeric(sorted_numbOfSeqs_region) ) )

Comments (2)

  1. Julian Zhou

    Not familiar with this part of the code either. But I looked through it a bit and it seems to be right actually.

    In the repeat loop immediately above the line you pasted, i.e. inside


    These seems to be constant update to list_GroupPdfs based on each new iteration of sorted_list_GroupPdfs:

    list_GroupPdfs <- sorted_list_GroupPdfs
    sorted_list_GroupPdfs <- list()

    So it seems to make sense to return the final version of list_GroupPdfs that contains all iterations of updates from sorted_list_GroupPdfs.

    I didn't trace this super carefully, but that looks like the case..

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