ObservedMutations for cdr3 regions

Issue #148 resolved
Grigorii Nos created an issue

Dear Immcantation developers!

Thank you for this amazing software!

I wanted to ask if there is any way to have mutations count with observedMutations for cdr3 region, I can see that possible options for regionDefinition argument is only V genes regions, so it always gives only cdr2 and cdr1, any possibility of future plans to do it for the junction of the whole sequence?

Thank you a lot!

Comments (2)

  1. ssnn

    Hi! Thanks for reaching out. We are actually working on this feature in branch extendedRegions. We are adding two new region definitions, IMGT_VDJ and IMGT_VDJ_BY_REGIONS, to be used with observedMutations, expectedMutations and calcBaseline . The plan is to have this ready for the next release of the framework, which should be happening in 1-2 weeks. I will get back to you then.

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