Error in {: task 658 failed - "missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"

Issue #154 resolved
Eugen Ursu created an issue


Thanks for the highly useful shazam package. I've been using it and encountered an error with collapseClones when running (the repertoire file repertoire_sample.tsv is attached):

repertoire = read.table("repertoire_sample.tsv", sep='\t')
clonal_sequences = shazam::collapseClones(
    db = repertoire[, c("sequence_alignment", "germline_alignment", "clone_id")], 
    regionDefinition=NULL, #shazam::IMGT_V, 
    method="thresholdedFreq", minimumFrequency=0.6,
    includeAmbiguous=FALSE, breakTiesStochastic=FALSE, 

The error log is:

Error in {: task 658 failed - "missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"

1. shazam::collapseClones(db = repertoire[1:5000, c("sequence_alignment", 
 .     "germline_alignment", "clone_id")], cloneColumn = "clone_id", 
 .     sequenceColumn = "sequence_alignment", germlineColumn = "germline_alignment", 
 .     regionDefinition = NULL, method = "thresholdedFreq", minimumFrequency = 0.6, 
 .     includeAmbiguous = FALSE, breakTiesStochastic = FALSE, nproc = 1)
2. foreach(idx = 1:length(uniqueClonesIdx), .verbose = FALSE, .errorhandling = "stop") %dopar% 
 .     {
 .         cloneIdx <- uniqueClonesIdx[[idx]]
 .         cloneDb <- db[cloneIdx, ]
 .         clone_num <- unique(cloneDb[["fields_clone_id"]])
 .         if (length(unique(cloneDb[[juncLengthColumn]])) > 1) {
 .             stop("Expecting all sequences in the same clone with the same junction lenght.")
 .         }
 .         cloneRegionDefinition <- regionDefinition
 .         if (regionDefinitionName %in% c("IMGT_VDJ_BY_REGIONS", 
 .             "IMGT_VDJ")) {
 .             cloneRegionDefinition <- getCloneRegion(clone_num = clone_num, 
 .                 db = cloneDb, seq_col = sequenceColumn, juncLengthColumn = juncLengthColumn, 
 .                 clone_col = "fields_clone_id", regionDefinition = regionDefinition)
 .         }
 .         calcClonalConsensus(db = cloneDb, sequenceColumn = sequenceColumn, 
 .             germlineColumn = germlineColumn, muFreqColumn = muFreqColumn, 
 .             regionDefinition = cloneRegionDefinition, method = method, 
 .             minimumFrequency = minimumFrequency, includeAmbiguous = includeAmbiguous, 
 .             breakTiesStochastic = breakTiesStochastic, breakTiesByColumns = breakTiesByColumns)
 .     }
3. e$fun(obj, substitute(ex), parent.frame(), e$data)

The call doesn’t return an error if I significantly reduce the input db size:

clonal_sequences = shazam::collapseClones(
    db = repertoire[1:10, c("sequence_alignment", "germline_alignment", "clone_id")], 
    regionDefinition=NULL, #shazam::IMGT_V, 
    method="thresholdedFreq", minimumFrequency=0.6,
    includeAmbiguous=FALSE, breakTiesStochastic=FALSE, 

Even though I could run it successfully if I reduce the size of repertoire, I would like to understand what is the source of the error. It would also be useful to add an informative error message.

Thank you and looking forward,


Comments (2)

  1. Kenneth Hoehn

    Hi Eugen,

    I haven’t been able to check your file yet, but could you see if any of the input columns (especially the junction or junction_length column) contain missing data or NA values? That would be my guess based on the error message.



  2. ssnn

    Yes, there are NAs in one of the columns. I have added an informative error message to the devel vesion of shazam, in 70b19e0.

    With your example data, you will now get something like this:

    Error in shazam::collapseClones(db = repertoire[, c("sequence_alignment",  : 
      NA values found in column(s): germline_alignment. 1 sequence(s) affected.
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