listObservedMutations function does not have "multipleMutation" flag

Issue #29 resolved
Ang Cui created an issue

In createSubstitutionMatrix & createMutabilityMatrix,

  mutations <- listObservedMutations(db, sequenceColumn=sequenceColumn, 

Does not have the multipleMutation flag.

On the other hand, in the following code, the "multipleMutation" flag is not doing anything. It changes codonSeq, but codonSeq is not used afterwards.

 if (!any(codonGL %in% c("N", "-", ".")) & !any(codonSeq %in% c("N", "-", "."))) {
        if (multipleMutation == "independent") { # if independent mutations are included
          codonSeq <- codonGL
          codonSeq[muCodonPos] <- seqAtMutation
        if (!length(grep("N", wrd5))) {
          COUNT[[index]][wrd5]<- COUNT[[index]][wrd5] + 1;

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