R CMD Check import warning

Issue #37 resolved
Namita Gupta created an issue
* checking whether package shm can be installed ... WARNING
Found the following significant warnings:
  Warning: replacing previous import by dplyr::between when loading shm
  Warning: replacing previous import by dplyr::last when loading shm
  Warning: replacing previous import by tidyr::%>% when loading shm

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden

    The last is fixed by 8744a39. The top two are conflicts between data.table and dplyr... It might be a bit of a mess to sort out exactly where all the data.table usages are.

  2. Jason Vander Heiden

    This will probably cover all of dplyr, but we should double check with codetools::checkUsagePackage("shm")

    #' @importFrom  dplyr     do n desc %>%
    #'                        as_data_frame data_frame data_frame_
    #'                        bind_cols bind_rows combine
    #'                        filter filter_ select select_ arrange arrange_
    #'                        group_by group_by_ ungroup
    #'                        mutate mutate_ transmute transmute_
    #'                        rename rename_ summarize summarize_
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