calcObservedMutations return object is not consistent

Issue #46 resolved
Jason Vander Heiden created an issue

calcObservedMutations does not return R and S mutations, only total mutations if regionDefinition=NULL and/or frequency=TRUE. Meaning, we can't do selection on the full sequence. The behavior should be consistent, and return R and S in all cases. If we want the total mutation behavior, then we should add another flag for that.

Comments (4)

  1. ssnn

    Yes, the frequency needs to be checked. Also, I believe the frequency doesn't mean the same for observed and expected mutations. But I am not familiar with the code, I am reading it (pretty much all of it, thank you guys!) for the first time.

  2. Namita Gupta

    Frequency flag only exists with observed mutations, but now calcObservedMutations always returns the same region_R and region_S mutations, but it is either absolute counts or frequencies (divided by non-N bps in seq and gl in the region).

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