dply 0.6.0 incompatibility

Issue #82 resolved
Jason Vander Heiden created an issue

This is an automated email to let you know about the release of dplyr, which will be submitted to CRAN in the near future (May 11).

To check for potential problems, I ran R CMD check on your package shazam (0.1.5).

I found: 0 errors | 1 warning | 0 notes.

checking examples ... WARNING
Found the following significant warnings:

  Warning: 'mutate_each_' is deprecated.
  Warning: 'mutate_each_' is deprecated.
  Warning: 'mutate_each_' is deprecated.
  Warning: 'mutate_each_' is deprecated.
  Warning: 'mutate_each_' is deprecated.
  Warning: 'mutate_each_' is deprecated.
  Warning: 'mutate_each_' is deprecated.
... 43 lines ...
plotTune               9.024  0.000   8.882
plotBaselineSummary    8.524  0.284   8.676
observedMutations      7.672  0.092   7.627
testBaseline           7.316  0.188   7.440
getBaselineStats       7.100  0.244   7.269
summarizeBaseline      7.084  0.228   7.163
extendMutabilityMatrix 7.164  0.108   7.204
plotBaselineDensity    5.948  0.200   6.074
minNumSeqMutationsTune 6.108  0.024   6.061
distToNearest          5.924  0.044   5.897
** found \donttest examples: check also with --run-donttest

If I got an ERROR because I couldn't install your package (or one of its dependencies), my apologies. You'll have to run the checks yourself (unfortunately I don't have the time to diagnose installation failures as I have to run checks on hundreds of packages).

Otherwise, please carefully look at the results. If you think I've introduced a bug in dplyr, please file a reprex at https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues. Otherwise, you'll need to prepare an update to your package following the advice in http://dplyr.tidyverse.org/articles/compatibility.html.

To get the development version of dplyr so you can run the checks yourself, you can run:

# install.packages("devtools")

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