Baseline Statistics Outputting Same FDR

Issue #98 resolved
Robert Amezquita created an issue

Documentation and individual testing revealed FDR is the same despite different p-values; graphs seem to support that FDR's should be different. Attached is object and code to reproduce:

shazam::testBaseline(grouped_1, groupBy = "foxp3")

[thanks to Yisi for the find]

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Amezquita reporter

    Okay, I trust in the stats (esp since I haven't run through the formulas myself), just seems fishy to that the FDR values are the same across both regions, so looked like something is wrong in the calculation..

  2. Jason Vander Heiden


    Though, we should check that it's not a tibble indexing issue, where we ending up with only the first value instead of a vector of values being assigned into a column.

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