Duplicate assignment 'reassignAlleles' function

Issue #7 resolved
Eadit Bernstein created an issue

Hi After running reassignAlleles, in some rows I got the same V_CALL_GENOTYPED twice, for example:


Thanks Eadit

Comments (4)

  1. Daniel Gadala-Maria

    Hi Eadit,

    Thanks for reporting the error. Could you check if any of the sequences in the sequence_db input have multiple (comma-separated) allele names? This will help figure out if the issue is with reassignAlleles or with an earlier step.


  2. Eadit Bernstein reporter

    Hi I have only one line with multiple allele names, but it's not the duplicate one, (IGHV1-1801, but the duplicate one is IGHV3-2301) also in the geno table, in column 'Note', the note is: 'Cannot distinguish IGHV3-2301 and IGHV3-2301' Thanks Eadit

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