Blooking v2.4.5

Issue #3 new
Former user created an issue

Hello, i have Blooking v2.3, and am wondering whats new in this v 2.4.5? do i have the right to download it? I have some old problems that I have already written, but without any answer :(

When i send request payment, my clients get the verification email but the link at the bottom, for paying via PayPal doesnt work, when i click on the button it just opens an empty page on my site, without any characters or link... what is the problem???

Is it possible that paypal payment is active and working but along with manual booking verification enabled? my clients wont to manual verify every booking and after that send a link for paypal payment...


Comments (19)

  1. Dora Badurina

    Another issue! when i go to availability menu in backend, the status for certain appartment for certain date is pending (yellow) but when i go to check that status in frontend it is booked (blu). why is that???


  2. Dora Badurina

    along with support for it...

    I want to add another property but when i save it, it doesnt have id number (id is 0) so it doesnt show details in frontend, just blank frame... why is that?

  3. Dora Badurina

    I want to add another category but when i save it, it doesnt have id number (id is 0) so it doesnt show details in frontend, just blank frame. no text,... how can i fix that? this is new, i never had problems with that, why all of the sudden this happens? i didnt install anything that could interfere with blooking... and it is a problem, because my clients have new capacities that have to go online asap

  4. Dora Badurina

    Today something has changed, frontend is showing description but no title (the name of the appartment) so when i click on Add to booking field nothing happens. 2.jpg

    In backend when i save new category its id number is 0, it should be around 60, then i want to make one new appartment by clicking on New button but when new window opens it is not empty, it shows all the informations i entered for previous app i made. I change infos, change category name and save. Id number of this last saved item is also 0, and if i try to delete just one of them the component deletes both of them (all items with id 0)... 1.jpg

    The strangest is that yesterday there were nothing in frontend, just a blank frame, today i got little picture and some decsription, no title (category name)...

    here is the link for you to see:

    no of guests is 5, the second one from the list is critical


  5. Dora Badurina

    Now I have to delete this second one, so you wont be able to see how it doesnt work anymore..

  6. Costas K repo owner

    For showing the title you can simply add the Title to your description... The reason categories id is zero is because you are using the single property mode!

  7. Dora Badurina

    Yes, i might do that, with some additional text formating, just to keep it the same as in other appartments.. but i will still be wondering why this happens.. Property mode is set to Whole property mode!


  8. Carlos S. R.

    I## UPDATE to actual version ##

    I have installed 2.3 version. How I can update to 2.4.5 version. Is free really?, or have limitations Thanks

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