Rate matching

Issue #4 new
Former user created an issue

Hi, good moning.

I've got a little problem with my hotel fees.

I've got three classes of rooms in the hotel. One of my rooms has the following prices (price per week days/price per weekend days):

  • Two people: 120/130
  • Three people: 140/150
  • Four people: 155/170

I can make my rate rule match with normal days, but I can't make my fees match with weekend days. I've defined a extra charge rate rule for weekends but, in the last case (four people) the weekend rate appears as 165 instead of 170 (because of rate rules are incremental, not percentual).

I've been at least two days looking for a solution for this issue but I still haven't found it. Of course I've read the blooking manual, but it doesn't help me much.

Could you help me, please?


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