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atlassian-plugins / Code Snippet - Run HTML, CSS and JS

Code Snippet - Run HTML, CSS and JS

This is documentation for Code Snippet - Run HTML, CSS and JS.


To add Code Snippet, click "+" (insert more content), choose "Other Macros" then "Visuals & images" category. Then select Code Snippet.

Formatting Code Snippet

This is Code Snippet template:


<!-- begin snippet -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->
// Here goes JavaScript

<!-- language: lang-css -->
// Here goes CSS

<!-- language: lang-html -->
// Here goes HTML

<!-- end snippet -->


<!-- begin snippet -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->
$('p').text('World !');

<!-- language: lang-css -->
body { background: tomato; }

<!-- language: lang-html -->
<h1> Hello </h1>
<p> [Test] </p>

<!-- load jquery -->
<script src="">

<!-- end snippet -->

Scripts included in HTML section (<!-- language: lang-html -->) are loaded first then JavaScript from <!-- language: lang-js --> is executed.
