Special case - Run Script File... menu command

Issue #101 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Creating a button to invoke the Run Script File... menu command causes an error due to trying to run a script while Kbar script is already running.

Repo steps:

  • Open settings
  • Add button > Invoke Menu Item
  • Select menu command 'Run Script File...'
  • Activate button
  • Select a script to run through the system dialogue
  • Receive error message 'After Effects warning: Attempt was made to run a second script while another script was already running. Second script was not run. Try launching AE with the -ro or -so flag to override this behavior.'

Note: @runegan created the following scriptlet to invoke the menu command

var file = File.openDialog( 'Select script to run' )

if ( file !== null ) { Folder.current = file.parent $.evalFile( file ) }

Comments (1)

  1. Rafi Khan

    Unfortunately this bug can't be fixed. It's a specific limitation in how the ESTK engine is designed.

    Technically what's happening is the script button is executing and you're trying to pick another script to run at the same time. There's no workaround for this.

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