Multiple instances of the toolbar

Issue #102 resolved
Former user created an issue

It would be very handy to open multiple instances of the toolbar so you can dock them on different places simultaneously.

Comments (5)

  1. Jack Kubizne

    Hi Rafi,

    I am new to bitbucket, longtime user of your amazing tool. I do not understand the 'resolved' and 'changed to version beta 2.0' comments, does mean implemented in next release or is there some script/mod i can add to KBar currently to add these functions/issues listed on this bucket? Thank you so much for creating K Bar, I am not sure this is the correct place for simple questions but it seemed a better place than a DM on aescripts... Thanks again you're the man!!!

  2. Rafi Khan

    Hi @jkubizne. It always makes me super happy to hear from people who enjoy the tool and are excited about features!

    The version refers to which release I would like to consider the change for. 2.0-beta means I want to get it into the next release but it needs feedback from my beta testers to iterate on it and get it stable. Depending on feedback it might get cut before the final release.

    The Resolved status means it has been built and will be available in the next build.

    If you're interested in being part of the beta to try it out please feel free to DM me.

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