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tentackle / jlinkpackage

Tentackle provides a maven plugin to create self-contained applications using the jlink or jpackage tools of the JDK. Although part of the framework, the plugin can be used for any kind of java application, whether modular, non-modular or even mixed. It does so by analyzing the application and all its dependencies to determine the best strategy. Only minimum configuration is required, since the maven project model already provides most of the necessary information.

The plugin provides 3 maven goals:

  1. jlink: creates a ZIP archive containing a self-contained image of the application with a modular java runtime created by jlink, including a script to launch the application.
  2. jpackage: creates native executables to run the application with a modular java runtime and an installer. Supports per-user or per-system installations, depending on the platform.
  3. init: (re-)installs the defaults of the project-specific templates to generate the scripts or tool option files.

For per-user installations an optional update feature is available that enables a running application to download an image and update itself to a newer version. This is especially useful for desktop applications, since Java Webstart was removed in Java 11.

Notice that the plugin must be executed on the target platform, because jlink and jpackage are platform specific tools.


Java 11 or newer and Maven 3.6.3 or newer is required. The application and its dependencies may be compiled for older Java versions as long as they don't use deprecated features that were removed in the meantime. For jpackage you need at least Java 14. However, you can still create images for Java 11 LTS with jpackage by using maven toolchains (see below).

Application Categories and Jigsaw Myths

Regardless whether the jlink- or jpackage-goal is used, the created application image falls into one of 3 categories:

  1. full-blown modular (JPMS/Jigsaw) applications running on the module path.
  2. modular applications that require non-modularized dependencies (so-called automatic modules)
  3. traditional applications running on the classpath.

Many Java developers still think that only applications of the first category can be packaged with jlink or jpackage, because it is required that all artifacts are fully modularized according to the JPMS. Fortunately, this is not the whole truth. It is true, of course, that the generated jimage file of the runtime must contain only real modules and those modules must not refer to non-modular artifacts, but the remaining artifacts can still be explicitly passed to the native executable (via command line options in case of jlink or via configuration files in case of jpackage).

Similar applies to the so-called split packages. For applications running in modular mode, Java packages are bound to their module and must not appear in more than one artifact. However, you can still generate a modular runtime and run the application in classpath mode.

In short: if your application runs on Java 11 or newer, you can package it in one or another way.

Adding the Plugin to Your Maven Project

There are several ways to use the plugin in your project. If the project is already a multi-module maven project, simply add another submodule and let this submodule build the jlink or jpackage image, like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""







Otherwise create a new maven project and add your existing project's artifact to the dependencies, like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""






There is a third way using maven executions for special scenarios (not covered in this document).

In any case, the important parts are:

  • the packaging type: either jlink or jpackage
  • the dependency to the (main-) module of your existing project
  • the plugin configuration for the tentackle-jlink-maven-plugin with:
  • <extensions>true</extensions>: this makes the new packaging types known to maven.
  • the <mainClass> of the project.
  • the <mainModule> if it is a modular project (JPMS)

That's it!

Now run mvn clean install and the console output will look like this:

[INFO] --- tentackle-jlink-maven-plugin: (default-jlink) @ sample-package ---
[INFO] template directory created: /home/harald/java/sample/pkg/templates
[INFO] installed template name.ftl
[INFO] installed template run.ftl
[INFO] automatic module   sample  org.example:sample:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] creating jlink image for a classpath application with Java 15.0.1
[INFO] Building zip: /home/harald/java/sample/pkg/target/
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ sample-package ---
[INFO] No primary artifact to install, installing attached artifacts instead.
[INFO] Installing /home/harald/java/sample/pkg/pom.xml to /home/harald/.m2/repository/org/example/sample-package/1.0-SNAPSHOT/sample-package-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/harald/java/sample/pkg/target/ to /home/harald/.m2/repository/org/example/sample-package/1.0-SNAPSHOT/
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Or if you used the packaging type jpackage, it looks like this:

[INFO] --- tentackle-jlink-maven-plugin: (default-jpackage) @ sample-package ---
[INFO] template directory created: /home/harald/java/sample/pkg/templates
[INFO] installed template package-image.ftl
[INFO] installed template package-installer.ftl
[INFO] automatic module   sample  org.example:sample:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] creating jlink image for a classpath application with Java 15.0.1
[INFO] creating application image
[INFO] creating installer
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ sample-package ---
[INFO] No primary artifact to install, installing attached artifacts instead.
[INFO] Installing /home/harald/java/sample/pkg/pom.xml to /home/harald/.m2/repository/org/example/sample-package/1.0-SNAPSHOT/sample-package-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/harald/java/sample/pkg/target/main_1.0-1_amd64.deb to /home/harald/.m2/repository/org/example/sample-package/1.0-SNAPSHOT/sample-package-1.0-SNAPSHOT-linux-amd64.deb
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

When the plugin is invoked the first time, it creates a template directory and installs some default templates. The plugin uses Freemarker as its template engine. The templates can and should be modified according to your project specific needs. The defaults, however, already work for the most basic scenarios.

The templates refer to a model that provides variables. One of the variables is osName. It is used to derive the platform. For more details, names of the variables, how to define your own, etc... please refer to the plugin docs. By using templates, we keep the maven poms free from platform specific stuff and don't need to fiddle with maven profiles.

In case of jlink the following templates are used:

  • name.ftl: determines the name of the run script
  • run.ftl: generates the run script

For jpackage:

  • package-image.ftl: jpackage tool options to create the application image
  • package-installer.ftl: jpackage tool options to create the installer

Example for package-image.ftl:

<#if osName?upper_case?contains("WIN")>

<#elseif osName?upper_case?contains("MAC")>


--icon src/pkg/admintool.png
--add-launcher AdminViewOnlyClient=src/pkg/
--java-options "-splash:${runtimeDir}/conf/loading.gif"

Example for package-installer.ftl:

<#if osName?upper_case?contains("WIN")>
  --win-menu-group KRAKE
<#elseif osName?upper_case?contains("MAC")>

--linux-menu-group KRAKE
--linux-package-name adminclient
--description "FX-Client for the Admintool"
--vendor "Krake Softwaretechnik, Triberg, Germany"
--copyright "(C) 2020, Krake Softwaretechnik, Triberg, Germany"
--license-file src/pkg/license.txt

For a complete multi-module JPMS example please run the Tentackle maven archetype according to the project's README.

The jlink goal first analyzes all dependencies of the application. For modular dependencies it reads their module-info to determine the requirements. For traditional dependencies it uses the jdeps tool. When all has been collected it knows the relationships between all modules of the application, including the modules of the java runtime necessary to run the application.

For classpath applications the jlink tool is used to create a modular java runtime from the runtime modules only. The application's artifacts are copied to the cp subfolder and will be added to the classPath variable of the freemarker model.

For modular applications, it depends whether all modules are full-blown modular dependencies or some of the modules refer to dependencies which are not modularized yet. In the first case all modular modules are passed to jlink, which creates a plain modular application. Otherwise only the necessary runtime modules are passed to jlink, the application's modules are copied to the mp subfolder and added to the modulePath variable of the freemarker model.

Next, filtered and non-filtered resources, if any, are copied to the conf subfolder by default.

Finally, the launch script is generated and all files are packaged within a single ZIP archive.

How The Jpackage Goal Works

Despite its name the jpackage goal uses the jlink and jpackage tools in combination to create an installer. It works in 4 steps:

  1. The first step basically does the same as what the jlink goal does, except that no launch script and no ZIP archive is created. This results in a folder containing the so-called runtime image.
  2. Next, the jpackage tool is invoked to add the generated native executables to launch the application along with their configuration files. This is called the application image.
  3. Depending on the results of the analysis of the maven project model in phase 1 the configuration files are modified appropriately. This is necessary because jpackage as a commandline tool has no clue about the maven project model and makes assumptions that may be wrong for some application setups.
  4. Finally, the jpackage tool is invoked again to create the installer from the modified application image.

In phase 2 the template package-image.ftl is used to generate the platform specific jpackage options. In phase 4 package-installer.ftl is used.

"Unrequired" Dependencies

When running the example in this README you may have stumbled upon the following console output:

[INFO] --- tentackle-jlink-maven-plugin: (default-jlink) @ myapp-jlink-server ---
[INFO] full-blown module  com.example.myapp.server     com.example:myapp-server:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] full-blown module  com.example.myapp.persist    com.example:myapp-persistence:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] full-blown module  com.example.myapp.pdo        com.example:myapp-pdo:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] full-blown module  com.example.myapp.common     com.example:myapp-common:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] full-blown module  org.tentackle.persistence    org.tentackle:tentackle-persistence:jar:
[INFO] full-blown module  org.tentackle.pdo            org.tentackle:tentackle-pdo:jar:
[INFO] full-blown module  org.tentackle.session        org.tentackle:tentackle-session:jar:
[INFO] full-blown module  org.tentackle.core           org.tentackle:tentackle-core:jar:
[INFO] full-blown module  org.tentackle.database       org.tentackle:tentackle-database:jar:
[INFO] full-blown module  org.tentackle.sql            org.tentackle:tentackle-sql:jar:
[INFO] full-blown module  com.example.myapp.domain     com.example:myapp-domain:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] full-blown module  org.tentackle.domain         org.tentackle:tentackle-domain:jar:
[INFO] full-blown module  org.tentackle.update         org.tentackle:tentackle-update:jar:
[INFO] full-blown module  org.tentackle.common         org.tentackle:tentackle-common:jar:
[INFO] automatic module   org.tentackle.script.groovy  org.tentackle:tentackle-script-groovy:jar:
[INFO] automatic module   org.codehaus.groovy          org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:jar:indy:3.0.7:compile
[INFO] automatic module   org.tentackle.log.slf4j      org.tentackle:tentackle-log-slf4j:jar:
[INFO] automatic module   org.slf4j                    org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.30:compile
[INFO] automatic module   logback.classic              ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:jar:1.2.3:runtime
[INFO] automatic module   logback.core                 ch.qos.logback:logback-core:jar:1.2.3:runtime
[INFO] automatic module   org.postgresql.jdbc          org.postgresql:postgresql:jar:42.2.18:runtime
[INFO] creating jlink image for a plain modular application with Java 15.0.1
[INFO] Building zip: /home/harald/java/myapp/myapp/jlink/server/target/
Although the plugin detects seven automatic modules, it still claims to create a jlink image for a plain modular application.

How is that possible?

Well, it is possible because those automatic modules are not required. In other words: there is no module-info that explicitly refers to an automatic module in a required clause. All those modules are just wired at runtime. For example, the JDBC driver is loaded by the DriverManager. Throughout the whole application there is no import statement that refers to a Postgres specific class. The same applies to Groovy scripting and the logging implementation, which are both loaded via Tentackle's Service and Configuration API.

When the plugin detects such "unrequired" automatic modules, they are moved to the mp folder and added to the modulePath. The full-blown modules still go into the modular runtime image as usual.

This is a nice trick if you have to use 3rd-party dependencies that are not modularized yet and probably never will. Simply create an abstraction layer of the features you need and inject an implementation wrapper of those dependencies at runtime.

Adding Extra Modules

By default, the plugin adds only those modules to the runtime that are absolutely necessary to run the application in order to keep the size of the image as small as possible. Sometimes, however, you may want to add some extra JDK modules for monitoring or other purposes. This can be accomplished with the addModules option. Supposed you want to add tools like jcmd to the bin folder, simply add this to the configuration section:


The list of available modules can be obtained with java --list-modules.

Using The Maven Toolchain

Maven provides a feature called toolchains. With toolchains you can instruct a toolchain-aware plugin to use a different JDK version than that of the current maven build. The Tentackle maven plugin for jlink and jpackage even allows you to select two different toolchains:

  • <jdkToolchain>: selects the java version for the jlink, jdeps and jpackage tools. For example, if your maven build runs on Java 11 LTS, but you want to use the latest Java in production, just add the following lines (provided toolchains.xml is configured properly):


  • <jpackageToolchain>: selects the java version for the jpackage tool only. This allows to use the plugin's jpackage goal, for example, with Java 11 LTS, even though the jpackage tool was first released with Java 14. The generated runtime will still be based on Java 11 LTS in this case.

Extending the Plugin

If you have special requirements, such as creating different variants of your application at the same time, you can do so by extending the plugin with your own implementation of an ArtifactCreator.

Auto Update Feature

Since Java Webstart was removed from the JDK with Java 11 the question arised how to keep applications up-to-date, especially desktop applications. In the meantime a few alternatives are available, most to mention OpenWebstart, which provides a kind of drop-in replacement.

However, the new JPMS with tools like jlink or jpackage is a real game changer when it comes to application deployment, because you don't need a Java runtime already installed on your target machine anymore. Simply unpack a ZIP archive or run an installer and you're done! Couldn't we use the same toolset to update an already installed application? This is the idea behind Tentackle's update feature.

The feature is based on 3 components:

  1. The Tentackle jlink/jpackage plugin configured with: <withUpdater>true</withUpdater>. This creates an additional platform specific update script (from template update.ftl) that takes an unpacked archive containing the new application, ensures that the old application is no more running, updates the existing installation and finally restarts the application. For the jpackage goal the template for the update script is package-update.ftl and an additional ZIP archive is created as well.

  2. An update server. Whenever a client tries to connect to a server already running a newer version, it receives a VersionIncompatibleException. It then talks to an update server, sending its platform, architecture, version, etc... and the server replies with a URL pointing to an archive containing the necessary files.

  3. The client UI part. It handles the exception, asks the user whether to update or abort, downloads the archive, verifies the checksum, unpacks it, invokes the update script and terminates itself.

The API to implement the server- and client update service is located in the module tentackle-update. It is based on RMI which is part of the JDK. Although made for Tentackle applications, it should be applicable to other applications as well.

The UI part is implemented in tentackle-fx-rdc-update, which is based on JavaFX and the Tentackle framework. As such, it cannot be used by any other kind of application. But it may well serve as a blueprint for Swing or FX applications to implement your own solution.

Again, for a working example please see this README or visit the Tentackle Tutorial.

Further Reading

Java Platform Module System

jlink tool

jpackage tool

jdeps tool

Tentackle Framework
