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wurbelizer / source-syntax

Source Level Syntax

Java comments, whether single line or block comments, are parsed by the wurbler for wurblet anchors, variables and here-documents. This applies to generated comments as well! Consequently, generated code may include new anchors, variables or documents that in turn are evaluated by the wurbler and so on. This is an important feature because it allows bootstrapping from a rudimentary template similar to a software developer starting with a sketch (you won’t understand until you know how it became). Special significance of a character can be turned off by preceding it with a backslash. A line terminated by a backslash is concatenated with the following line (continuation line). The backslash itself is expressed by a double backslash.

Wurblet Anchor

All generated code, whether a single line or a large block, must be bound to a wurblet and optional variables or resources such as model information. The binding is done by a so-called wurblet anchor. There may be as many anchors in a comment block as desired. The wurblets are applied by the wurbler in the order of their anchors in the source file. The generated output is inserted into the source file right after the comment. Each output block is embraced by special comment lines that uniquely identify the block and allow the wurbler to associate it to the anchor in subsequent wurbelization passes. Once the code is generated, the anchor may be moved in the source file anywhere without losing the binding. Thus, the source file may be edited and anchors or the model information changed between wurbelization passes without getting out of sync.

An anchor is of the form:

@wurblet[(wurbler-directive)] <tag> <wurblet> [<arg1> [... <argN>]]


  • @wurblet: starts an anchor
  • (wurbler-directive1 ... N): optional directives to the wurbler
  • <tag>: is a tag uniquely identifying the anchor within the source file
  • <wurblet>: is either the classname of the wurblet. This is either an absolute classname or a basename to which the wurbler will prepend the package names provided by the wurbletPaths configuration.

  • <arg1>...: optional wurblet arguments. Usually, the wurblet arguments carry model information or refer to such.

Anchors that span more than one line must be concatenated by a trailing backslash at the end of the lines to be continued. Arguments are separated by whitespaces. If an argument contains whitespaces, it must be enclosed in double quotes. Such arguments may span more than one line as well. Arguments may contain $-signs denoting a variable. Variables may either be declared in a variable section, can be an ant property, a property from a wurb-file or an environment variable. The variable substitution process is recursive, i.e. variables may contain strings referring to other variables and so on.


 * Principals are cached preloaded with a second index ’code’.
 * @wurblet cache PdoCache --preload code

// @wurblet updateByObjectTypeSerial DbUpdateBy --model=$mapfile \
//          processed:=:null objectClassId objectId modType serial:<= | processed

Unnamed Anchor

If the <tag> in the wurblet anchor does not start with a letter, it is considered as an unnamed wurblet anchor. Unnamed anchors are useful for so-called inline wurblets, which are commonly used to inject a small piece of code into the code block directly preceding or following the anchor. The code is injected between two consecutive empty block comments /**/. The first character of the tag determines whether the preceding or following code block is targeted by the wurblet.

  • The characters - or < refer to the preceding block
  • all others, including + or > refer to the following block


@TableName(/**/"modlog"/**/)      // @wurblet < Inject --string $tablename
The wurblet Inject (which is a Tentackle wurblet, btw.) inserts the string "modlog" into the @TableName annotation. The value is defined by the variable $tablename.

Conditional Anchor

Wurblets may be invoked conditionally. This is achieved by the test-directive.


// @wurblet(test:$planb==yes) runPlanB Didoedeldu

Will invoke the wurblet Didoedeldu if the variable $planb equals the string yes. Otherwise the comment // condition not met will be generated. Currently, only the operators == and != are supported.

Extra Indentation

The generated code may be indended by extra spaces with the indent wurbler directive. 0 means no extra indent, a negative value is interpreted as smart indent, which is the default for Java sources. Smart indent aligns the generated code with the comment block containing the wurblet anchor.


 // @wurblet(indent=4) someMethod DoIt

Editor Fold

An optional editor fold type for the generated code may be specified. Not all guard types support a fold type. Currently, editor folds are only supported by the Netbeans-IDE. By default, no editor fold will be generated. The following fold types are supported:

  • collapsed: the generated code will be collapsed
  • expanded: the generated code will be expanded
  • none: the generated code will get no fold-handle (default)


// @wurblet(fold=expanded) modelComment ModelComment

Notice that some IDEs automatically fold a guarded block (also known as custom code folding region) by default. IntelliJ does so, for example.

Here Documents

Here-Documents are an elegant way to provide model information to the wurblets or to create files in general. Whenever the wurbler detects a document section within a comment block, it creates a file either on heap or in the filesystem depending on the file’s name. Document sections start with @> and terminate with @<.

Example (from the Wurbelizer tutorial):

 * @> .$filename
 * String    name       the name
 * long      id         the unique ID
 * boolean   enabled    whether enabled or not
 * @<

Notice that the filename may be a variable again. If the filename starts with a dot, it will not be saved to the filesystem but instead kept in memory only. Furthermore, such heap files must be unique within the wurbler instance. If the wurbler is invoked from within maven (which usually is the case), the file is available during the whole wurbel lifecycle phase, to all wurblets in all files. This feature allows running wurblets in distinct phases, each phase creating some information for the next phase.


Maven (or Ant) properties and environment variables are automatically declared as variables by the wurbler. Additional variables may be declared either in extra property-files (extension .wurb) or directly at the source level within any comment block. Such a declaration section starts with @{ and ends with @}.

Example (from the Tentackle tutorial):

 * @{
 * tablename = md.orgunit
 * mapping   = $model/$
 * @}

Variables can be used in comments or other variable definitions in two ways:

  1. $<variable>: e.g. $ where the dot automatically ends the variable name
  2. ${<variable>}: e.g. ${tablename}xx to add the string xx to the tablename's value
