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Writing Wurblets

As the wurblet level code is Java, you can use all of its features and eco system. Especially an object oriented design helps a lot to keep the .wrbl files small and readable.

Remember that wurblets can generate any kind of code, not only Java code.

When designing your own wurblets, always keep in mind that wurblets should generate only a certain aspect or code fragment, for example a single method or a few methods that semantically belong together. You can have as much wurblet anchors in your source files as needed. For larger contexts it's better to use different wurblets than a single one doing the whole job. Furthermore, it's perfectly possible to combine the wurbelizer with traditional template engines such as Velocity or Freemarker. For example, the Tentackle Wizard first generates the source files which contain the wurblet anchors and the wurbelizer later generates the implementation according to the model. See the Tentackle tutorial for a sample project.

Wurbelizer API

All wurblets must implement the interface org.wurbelizer.wurblet.Wurblet. The most important method for the wurblet to access its runtime environment is getContainer() which returns an instance of the interface org.wurbelizer.wurbel.Wurbler.

There are 2 abstract classes that already provide some basic implementations and that can easily be extended via the @{extends}@ directive.

  1. org.wurbelizer.wurblet.AbstractWurblet: base class for all kinds of wurblets.
  2. org.wurbelizer.wurblet.AbstractJavaWurblet: base class for all wurblets that generate Java code.

Wurbler Properties

The wurbler provides a set of properties for the wurblet. Properties are categorized into namespaces as follows:

  • Wurbler.PROPSPACE_ENV ("env"): namespace holding the environment variables
  • Wurbler.PROPSPACE_WURBLET ("wurblet"): properties defined by the wurbler
  • Wurbler.PROPSPACE_EXTRA ("extra"): extra namespace usually provided by the build tool (maven, ant, ...). The maven-wurbelizer-plugin uses the wurbletProperties. The org.wurbelizer.ant.wurbel.AntWurbler will store all ant-properties here.

Wurblet Namespace

The wurblet namespace applies to the current wurblet and defines the following properties:

  • WURBPROP_FILENAME ("filename"): the pathname of the source file.
  • WURBLET_DIRNAME ("dirname"): the directory of the source file.
  • WURBLET_WURBNAME ("wurbname"): the optional pathname of the .wurb-file (additional properties), null if none.
  • WURBLET_GUARDNAME ("guardname"): the name of the guarded block.
  • WURBLET_WURBLETNAME ("wurbletname"): the name of the wurblet.

Skeleton extending AbstractJavaWurblet

The following code skeleton is a good starting point for writing your own wurblet.

@{package com.example.wurblets}@
@{import java.util.*}@
@{import org.wurbelizer.wurbel.*}@
@{import org.wurbelizer.wurblet.*}@
@{import org.wurbelizer.misc.*}@
@{extends AbstractJavaWurblet}@
Describes what's generated, the wurblet usage and access to the model.
This is javadoc!
  private void wurbel() throws WurbelException {

    ... template code goes here ...



There wurblet should throw one of the following exceptions if code generation failed:

  • org.wurbelizer.wurbel.WurbelException: is counted as a build error and terminates the build process at the end of the corresponding build phase. The generated output is replaced by the stacktrace enclosed in a comment block.
  • org.wurbelizer.wurbel.WurbelDiscardException: same as WurbelException but instructs the wurbler to discard the generated source. The error is counted as a warning and is treated as if there was no wurblet at all. Useful if a wurblet fails, but it's smarter to leave the existing code unchanged and continue with the build process.
  • org.wurbelizer.wurbel.WurbelTerminationException: terminates the build process immediately! Wurblets should throw this exception if the error is severe enough that it doesn't make sense to execute any further wurblets, because they would fail as well.


The wurbler provides access to the logger of the build tool (Maven, Ant, etc...) via Wurbler.getLogger().

It provides the following logging levels:

  • debug
  • info
  • warning
  • error


    getContainer().getLogger().error("didoedeldu failed", ex);


A lot of real-world examples can be found in the Tentackle framework:

Tentackle wurblets

Tentackle persistence wurblets
