
Kris Khoury Concise PC Blog Posts

Created by Kris Khoury
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("147", "2007-01-05", "Reasons to use Mozilla Firefox over Internet Explorer", "Internet Explorer, the <i>web browser</i> that comes bundled with the Microsoft Windows operating system, is not the most secure web browser available.  This is why we recommend Mozilla Firefox over IE.  Mozilla Firefox is a more secure web browser, but it also has manu useful features that are lacking in IE.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nBelow is a list of items which Mozilla Firefox has, but IE 6.0 does not.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>Tabbed browsing</B>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n      Lets you display more than one site in a window using multiple tabs. You can open a new tab by selecting Navigator Tab from the New submenu of the File menu (or press Ctrl+T). You can also open a link in a new tab by using the right-click menu. You will find configuration options in the Tabbed Browsing preferences panel.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>Popup blocking</B>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n      Block all those popup ads. To disable popup windows, select Advanced and then Scripts & Plugins from the Preferences window. Then uncheck the box that reads \"Open unrequested windows\".\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B> Prevent scripts from doing various things</B>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n      You can prevent scripts from moving windows, closing them, changing the status bar and setting cookies. To change these settings, select Advanced and then Scripts & Plugins from the Preferences window. Then uncheck the desired boxes.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>Site Navigation toolbar</B>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n      Displays content from the <link> tags provided by a document, allowing one to navigate to various parts of a site.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>Sidebar</B>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n      The sidebar provides a number of tabs by default, and others can be added by the user.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>Can add custom panels to sidebar</B>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n      Custom sidebars can be implemented in HTML or XUL and can be installed from a remote site without much hassle. Sites can add sidebars using the window.sidebar.addPanel() function.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>More control over text zooming</B>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n      Can zoom text to any size. IE only supports five sizes and has no keyboard shortcut that I could determine. For sites that use fairly small fonts, having more larger sizes in necessary for those without perfect vision.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n...I could go on for ages, but suffice it to say that our clients have had very few complaints or problems with Mozilla Firefox, as opposed to Internet Explorer.  Surf the net safely!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("148", "2006-12-30", "Important considerations when buying a flat screen monitor", "Flat-screen monitors are all the rage these days.  They conserve desk space, use less power than conventional CRT monitors, and they look sleek and futuristic.  They also have little-to-no glare when compared with CRT monitors, and they don\'t get as hot as the old fashioned monitors.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nIf you are in the market to purchase a flat-screen monitor for your computer, consider the following:\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>CONTRAST RATIO</B>\r\nA constrast ratio describes the measurement which compares the brightest and darkest pixels being displayed.  The higher the contrast ratio, the better the quality, so aim for a 500:1 contrast ratio\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>BRIGHTNESS</B>\r\nYou don\'t want your monitor to be too bright, as it will likely decrease the side viewing angle.  Average LCDs have a brightness of 250-280 nits, with the brightest models being capable of 450 nits.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>VIEWING ANGLE</B>\r\nIf you have a higher viewing angle, this means that you will be able to view your monitor from a side angle.  A viewing angle of 160 degrees will provide a nice view of your monitor from the side, however 110 degrees will only allow you to view your monitor nearly straight-on\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>RESPONSE TIME</B>\r\nAim for smaller response times, as this time, measured in milliseconds, is the amount of time required for pixels to turn from white to black and vice versa.  Aim for less than 17ms in your response time.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>RESOLUTION</B>\r\nThe higher the resolution, the more fine and detailed your output will be.  Look for a monitor with a maximum resolution of 1280x1024 or 1600x1200.  If the maximum resolution is 1204x768, this isn\'t a very good choice.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>REFRESH RATE</B>\r\nThe refresh rate is the number of times per second that each line is repainted, and it is described in units of hertz.  A higher refresh rate is better, which should be greater than or equal to 70 Hz\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>DOT PITCH</B>\r\nA smaller dot pitch will result in a sharper image, so aim for no greater than a .26mm (diagonal) / .22mm (horizontal) dot pitch.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nI hope that this guide helps you choose an excellent, high-quality flat screen monitor!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("149", "2006-12-27", "Just what is Disk Defragmentation?", "As you may have read in my previous blog, entitled <i>\"<A HREF=\"/concise/blog_53.aspx\">Comparing Files to File Cabinets</A>\"</i>, it is often a very useful practice to explain computer terminology using analogies that can relate older, more understood concepts with individuals who aren\'t the most computer-literate.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nWith this in mind, I am going to attempt to explain to you, the end-user, what Disk Defragmentation is.  Think of your hard drive as a deck of cards (wait, in the last blog, wasn\'t it a file cabinet?).  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nNow, let\'s say that a defragmented hard drive contains cards which are in sequential order, organized by suit.  For example, Ace of ?, 2?, 3?, 4?... Q?, K?, then A?, 2?, 3?... and so on, and so forth.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nAs you use your computer, this order gets disrupted, and it takes longer and longer for the computer to locate the cards (which represent your files) as they become more and more disordered.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nWhy does it take longer to find your files when they are fragmented?  Consider this:  how much faster would you be able to locate, say, the 4 of spades ?, if the cards were in sequential order vs. if the deck of cards was thrown into the air and you had to search for that card?\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nSo, disk defragmentation is the process of reorganizing the files on your hard drive in an orderly fashion such that it enables the computer to spend less time searching for them.  This results in better performance for the end-user, meaning when you click on an icon, it appears sooner.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nI hope this helps you understand just what is meant when someone says the phrase \"defragment your hard drive\"...", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("150", "2006-12-22", "Comparing files to file cabinets", "Many clients of mine are perplexed when they are forced to work with new devices that were not present when they were younger. Cellular phones and computers are at the top of the list, of course, being the most common fandangled contraptions that are now a part of our every day lives. <BR><BR>A useful analogy can be made which explains one aspect of the computer world in relation to the real world: <B>files and folders</B>. <BR><BR>Think of the \"C: drive\" or \"<I>hard drive</I>\" in your computer as the file cabinet in your office or home. The file cabinet of yours is likely 2-4 drawers tall, metallic, and may have a lock on the front which prevents people from peeking at your personal files. It may even have some magnets stuck to the side or front (please, don\'t put magnets on the side of your computer!) <BR><BR>Similarly, a computer hard drive (file cabinet) is a repository for your computer\'s file folders, and it may be locked with a password which prevents others from seeing your files. <BR><BR>The C: drive is filled with files and folders, just as your file cabinet is. The manila folders are used on a computer just as they are in real life: to organize your files. (Note: your files could be word processing documents, spreadsheets, electronic mail messages, digital photographs, or a myriad of other file types) The most common folder that you will likely encounter is called \"My Documents\". In that folder, you can create any number of folders and subfolders. <BR><BR>Thinking of this new technology in terms of old, understood, and established norms might help the computer newcomer become comfortable with these old terms which have taken on new meanings.", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("151", "2007-01-11", "What to do if you edit an attachment from an e-mail and then lose it...", "<B>THE MORAL OF THE STORY:  If you open up a file from an e-mail attachment, save it to your My Documents folder!</B>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nOver the years, many relatives, family friends and clients have made the mistake of opening up an attached file from an e-mail, editing it, and then clicking \"save\", and then close.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nWhat happens next drives them crazy: they go to retrieve their file later, but it is nowhere to be found!  This is because when you open up a file attachment from your e-mail (if you use Internet Explorer), it opens into your Temporary Internet Files folder.  This folder is hidden, and several levels deep, so the average person doesn\'t know about it.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nIt can be found here:  C:\\Documents and Settings\\[Your Username]\\Local Settings\\Temporary Internet Files\\Content.IE5\\\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nThe best thing to do in this situation is to do a search of this folder and all subfolders (be sure to include hidden and system files in your search) for .doc (or the appropriate file extension), or for whatever the first few letters of the filename was called.  This doesn\'t find the file 100% of the time, but I have had several successful recoveries using this method.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nOf course, if this seems to difficult for you, give us a call and we\'ll do our best to find the file for you!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("152", "2007-01-15", "Looking to purchase a laptop?", "One of the most common questions that we receive is, \"What type of laptop do you recommend?\"\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nHere is our answer:\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nFirst, unfortunately, the best laptops that are available to day are generally not sold in stores.  We highly recommend <b>IBM Thinkpad</b> (Lenovo) laptops, and <b>Dell</b> laptops are a distant second.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nOf course, Apple laptops are of very high quality, but the main drawback is that they are far more expensive than their non-Mac counterparts.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nBased on our experience, some laptops that we see breaking down the most often are Toshiba and Sony Vaio models.  We advise you to avoid these laptops at all costs.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nIf you would like a quote on an IBM Thinkpad, give us a call, or you can even call our IBM representative directly.  His name is <b>Christopher Ferrin</b>, and his telephone number is <b>877-338-4465, x6348</b>.  Be sure to tell him that you referred by Location ID 42908 and he will give you a discount!\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n** It is important to note that in addition to the standard 1 year/3 year warranty, these laptops also have a 20 day, no questions asked, return policy with no restocking fee.  I have never seen anyone return an IBM Thinkpad, but it is nice to know that if you are unsatisfied, you have this option available.", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("153", "2007-02-13", "iTunes & iPod BASICS (for beginners)", "<P>For those of you who are new to the iTunes and iPod world, I offer the following BASIC tutorial for you:</P>\r\n<P>&nbsp; </P>\r\n<DIV>\r\n<H1>&nbsp;· · iPod Instructions 101 · ·&nbsp;</H1></DIV>\r\n<H3><SPAN><SPAN>1.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN>How to import music from CDs into your iPod</H3>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>a.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>Insert the CD into the computer</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>b.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>Open iTunes</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>c.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>When prompted “Would you like to import your CD into the iTunes Library”, choose “yes”</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>d.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>At the top, you will see a status bar as each song is imported (each song will take approx. 20 – 30 seconds)</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN>e.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN><SPAN>File&nbsp;--&gt; </SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>“Sync (Your Name)\'s&nbsp;iPod” (when iPod is syncing, a “Do Not Disconnect” message will flash on the screen</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN>f.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN><SPAN>To eject the CD, right click on the title on the left hand side of iTunes and choose “Eject”</SPAN></P>\r\n<H3><SPAN><SPAN>2.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN>How to import just one song from a CD onto your iPod</H3>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>a.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>Repeat steps a-c above</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>b.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>Highlight the song which you desire to copy</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>c.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>Hold down the mouse button, drag-and-drop it onto the Library</SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>à</SPAN><SPAN>Music icon</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>d.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>Repeat for as many songs as you wish</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>e.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>Repeat steps e-f above</SPAN></P>\r\n<H3><SPAN><SPAN>3.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN>How to purchase music from iTunes for your iPod</H3>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>a.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>In the top right corner of iTunes, search for song, artist, or album</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>b.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>When you locate your song, click “Buy”</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>c.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>It will prompt you just to be sure that you want to buy, hit yes.<SPAN>&nbsp; </SPAN>The song will be downloaded, and then imported into your library</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>d.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>Repeat step e from part 1 above</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>e.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>Close iTunes when you are finished if you would like it closed</SPAN></P>\r\n<H3><SPAN><SPAN>4.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN>How to delete music from your iPod</H3>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>a.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>In iTunes, click on Library&nbsp;--&gt;</SPAN><SPAN><SPAN> Music</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN><SPAN>b.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>Highlight the song that you wish to delete.<SPAN>&nbsp; </SPAN>Right click on that song, and choose Delete.<SPAN>&nbsp; </SPAN>When prompted, click “Remove”</SPAN></P>\r\n<P><SPAN>c.<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN><SPAN>File&nbsp;--&gt;</SPAN><SPAN><SPAN> “Sync (Your Name)\'s&nbsp;iPod” (when iPod is syncing, a “Do Not Disconnect” message will flash on the screen</SPAN>)</P></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("154", "2007-03-07", "Daylight Savings Time Changes and Computers", "Beginning in 2007, daylight saving time will be extended in the United States.  Daylight Savings Time will start on March 11, 2007, which is three weeks earlier than usual, and it will end on November 4, 2007, which is one week later than usual.  This results in a new DST period that is four weeks longer than in previous years. \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nBelow you will find a link to, where <B>an update is available </B>for users of Windows XP.  Windows Vista has the correct DST settings already, and it is only the earlier versions of Windows that need updating:\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<A HREF=\"\">Click HERE for the Update</A>", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("155", "2007-03-13", "Standby vs. Hibernation", "<P><STRONG>Standby vs. Hibernation</STRONG></P>\r\n<P>A very common question that I encounter is the following, \"Should I use Standby, or Hibernation\"?&nbsp; Or, even more specifically, what is the difference between Standby and Hibernation?</P>\r\n<P><EM>Standby mode </EM>turns off your laptop\'s monitor and other devices that use power, however the hard drive remains spinning and your operating system remains active.&nbsp; To bring a computer out of standby, simply move the mouse or press a key on the keyboard.</P>\r\n<P><EM>Hibernation mode</EM> saves your&nbsp;system state (whatever is currently open on your computer) to disk and actually powers down the computer.&nbsp; When you want to use the computer, simply press the power button and within 10-15 seconds, the computer is back up and running as it was before hibernation.</P>\r\n<P>I generally recommend hibernation over standby mode for the following reasons:</P>\r\n<P>1)&nbsp; Hibernation conserves laptop battery power since the PC is actually powered down</P>\r\n<P>2)&nbsp; Hibernation keeps the laptop cool (if you put a laptop into standby mode and then place it in a bag, it may overheat due to lack of circulation)</P>\r\n<P>3)&nbsp; Hibernation saves the system state, as opposed to standby, which does not.&nbsp; If your laptop battery dies while in standby, you will lose your work</P>\r\n<P>Sometimes, hibernation is disabled for whatever reason.&nbsp; To enable hibernation, choose Start --&gt; (Settings) --&gt; Control Panel --&gt; Display --&gt; Screen Saver (Tab) --&gt; Power (Button) --&gt; Hibernate (Tab) --&gt; (check) Enable Hibernation.&nbsp; Then, press OK.</P>\r\n<P>Now, you are ready to hibernate!&nbsp; Go to the Start Menu --&gt; Shut Down --&gt; and choose Hibernate.&nbsp; If you do not see it as an available option, press the left shift key on your keyboard and it will appear.&nbsp; Happy hibernating!</P>", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("156", "2007-03-22", "Lenovo BATTERY RECALL", "<b>If you purchased a Lenovo between November, 2005 and February, 2007, you may have a defective battery!</b>\r\n<br><br>\r\nThe batteries in question were used in the following models:\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR>· R60 Series\r\n<BR>· T60 Series\r\n<BR>· Z60/1 Series\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nThe defective batteries have a part number of: <B>FRU P/N 92P1131</B> and are eligible for free replacement.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nIf you have any questions, don\'t hesitate to contact us!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("157", "2007-04-18", "The importance of backing up your data...", "The worst thing that can happen to a computer (in my opinion at least) is a hard drive failure.  A hard drive is the component in your computer which houses your data (documents, files, pictures, etc.)\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nSince the hard drive is mechanical, it has a failure rate of 100%, meaning that in time, all hard drives will eventually fail.  The older a hard drive is, the more likely it is to fail.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nThere are a number of ways to protect your data, but they all have one common element: the key is to have your data stored in multiple places.  <B>Redundancy</B> is the important concept which I am trying to convey.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nYou can backup your data to CD, DVD, external hard drive, tape-backup, off-site, or store it on a USB thumb drive.  Feel free to contact us if you would like to implement a back-up solution for your important data.  You won\'t regret it!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("158", "2007-04-25", "Having trouble viewing videos?", "Have you ever clicked on a video link, only to have the video appear garbled, or to hear the audio of the video but not actually see anything?\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nThere is a good chance that this problem was caused by you not having the right <i>codec</i> installed on your computer.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nThe following codec package is \"one of the most complete codec pack which helps you to play all major audio and video formats.\"\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<A HREF=\"\">Download XP Codec Pack</A>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nMore information on the codec package can be found at the following web site:\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nHappy viewing!!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("159", "2007-04-28", "Audit your wireless network!", "If you are wondering how secure your wireless network is, download Aircrack, a tool used to audit how hacker-proof your wireless security is.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nAircrack-ng can be downloaded <A HREF=\"\">from the following web site</A> and is compatible with Linux, as well as Windows.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nThis sort of download is for the mildly sophisticated computer user (in other words, not for beginners).\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nIf you don\'t know what wireless network encryption is, then you probably have a vulnerable, unsecured wireless network.  Give us a call if you would like your wireless network to be secured/encrypted.  Happy wireless surfing!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("160", "2007-05-18", "Windows XP Classic View", "For those of you who don\'t appreciate the spacey look of a fresh Windows XP installation, the following is a Concise (and step-by-step) guide to resetting the views back to their classic state:\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>Step One</B>\r\n<BR>Right click on an open part of the desktop.\r\n<BR>Click [Properties].\r\n<BR>Select the [Themes] tab.\r\n<BR>In the [Themes] drop down box select <BR>[Windows Classic].\r\n<BR>Click [Apply] and [OK].\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>Step Two</B>\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR>Right click on the Start Button.\r\n<BR>Click [Properties].\r\n<BR>Select the [Start Menu] tab.\r\n<BR>Select the radio button next to [Classic Start <BR>Menu].\r\n<BR>Click [Apply] and [OK].\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>Step Three</B>\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR>Open Windows Explorer.\r\n<BR>Select [Tools] and click [Folder Options...].\r\n<BR>Select the [General] tab.\r\n<BR>In the [Tasks] section, select the radio button <BR>next to [Use Windows Classic Folders].\r\n<BR>Click [Apply] and [OK].\r\n\r\n... Enjoy!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("161", "2007-06-07", "Is your computer \"slow as molasses\"?", "...does anybody eat molasses anymore?\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nOver the years, I have found that the slowest computers are most often slow because of four major factors:\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR>1.  They are incredibly outdated\r\n<BR>2.  Hard drive space is running low\r\n<BR>3.  Too many programs are running\r\n<BR>4.  There is insufficient RAM\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nFor those of you who don\'t know, <b>RAM</b> is an acronym that stands for <b>Random Access Memory</b>.  Your computer\'s operating system (likely some variant of Microsoft Windows) as well as every program that you have opened utilizes the system RAM, which is limited.  These files may be stored on your hard drive, but when executed they are running in RAM.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nIn most cases, <i>the quickest and most cost effective way to increase the speed of your computer is to upgrade the RAM</i>.  RAM prices have been falling for months, so if you are tired of waiting, waiting, waiting for something to happen after clicking on an icon or an internet link, give us a call and we will have your computer running much faster in very short order!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("162", "2007-06-15", "Free Used Monitors", "As you probably know, Concise regularly receives old computers and monitors that are still functional when our clients upgrade their technology.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nWe currently have <b>four large CRT (not flat panel) monitors that are in good working condition</b> if you are in need.  These are free, and can be dropped off at your office on our next visit, or picked up from our office.  Please contact our office if you are in need of monitors. ", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("163", "2007-07-31", "Hi, You\'ve received a postcard from...", "If you see an e-mail with the subject of, \"Hi, you\'ve received a postcard from...\", <b> DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY </B>.  This is just another mass e-mail sent out which will end up infecting your computer with a virus (or several viruses).\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nOne of my clients recently inadvertently clicked on this e-mail, but luckily for him, his AVG Anti-Virus contained the ensuing virus infection.  We are GOLD Resellers of AVG Anti-Virus, so if you have McAfee, Norton, or any of the other Anti-Virus programs and you want to upgrade to the best, give us a call!\r\n\r\n\r\n", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("164", "2007-08-17", "Error: USB thumb/flash drive not recognized?!", "If you insert a USB stick/thumb drive/flash drive into your computer and it is not recognized, this is because the drive letter that it is associated with is in use by another device.\r\n<br><br>\r\n<b>Don\'t despair!</b>\r\n<br><br>\r\nTo solve the problem, follow these (relatively simple) steps:\r\n<br><br>\r\n1.  Insert the infernal USB stick\r\n<br><br>\r\n2.  If the USB stick does not appear under \"My Computer\", follow these instructions:\r\n<br><BR>\r\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a.  Go to Start Menu --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Computer Management --> Disk Management\r\n<br><BR>\r\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b.  On the right side, you will see a list of your hard disk and other removable drives.  Right click on the drive which corresponds to the size of your USB thumb drive, and choose \"Change Drive Letter and Paths...\"\r\n<br><BR>\r\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;c.  Change the drive letter, and once this has been completed you will be able to access the USB drive via the My Computer Icon.\r\n\r\n<br><br>\r\n\r\nAnd that, as they say, is that.  Voila!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("165", "2007-09-11", "How to take a \'screen shot\'", "Sometimes when you are using a computer, it becomes useful or necessary to take a \'screen shot\' of your screen, which basically copies a picture of everything on your screen and stores it in the clipboard.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nThis is a very easy task to accomplish, and it can be done by simply pressing the \"Print Screen\" button, which is located near the top of your keyboard, above the \"Insert\" key.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nOnce you have captured a screen shot, you can paste it into an e-mail or a document by choosing Edit --> Paste or by simply using the CTRL-V combination on your keyboard.  (This becomes especially useful when you want to share a computer error screen with your friendly computer consultant)\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nAn example of my screen shot is below:\r\n<BR>\r\n<IMG SRC=\"/images/screenshotforblog.JPG\" WIDTH=\"\" HEIGHT=\"\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"\">\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR>Hopefully this small tutorial has helped you learn how to take screen shots, which is an extremely useful thing to know.", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("166", "2007-10-25", "They Stole My Idea...", "...although it is a great idea.\r\n\r\nFor years, one of the most common problems that Concise\'s clients have encountered is that the <b> power connector on most laptops becomes loose and breaks over time </b>.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nWell, Apple\'s Laptops solved this problem by creating a magnetic, square connector which cannot break like the traditional \'pin\' connector on most laptops.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nIBM Thinkpads come with a thicker, more sturdy and reliable connector in the back which is a great improvement over most of its competition (excluding Apple Macintosh Laptops), however, they have taken it one step further...\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nFor  years I\'ve been saying that the best product to invent would be an EXTERNAL laptop battery charger.  This was my \"million dollar idea\", and they beat me to it!\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n\"...The ThinkPad External Battery Charger gives you maximum power flexibility by charging a spare battery independent of your ThinkPad system. \"  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nJust another reason, one of many, why I always recommend IBM ThinkPad laptops over the competition.", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("167", "2007-10-29", "Daylight Savings Time, Redux...", "For those of who you didn\'t run the patch to update your systems for the new Daylight Savings Time when we alerted you in the past, here is a link to which will take you to the download patch:\r\n<br><br>\r\n<A HREF=\"\">Click Here</A>\r\n<br><br>\r\nEnjoy!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("168", "2007-11-18", "The correct way to send an e-mail to multiple recipients", "For those of you who ever need to send out an e-mail to a large number of people, there is a universally accepted standard for such practices (sometimes referred to as \"Netiquette\" or Internet Etiquette).  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nWhat you should do is compose your e-mail, and send it \"To:\" yourself.  Rather than sending it \"To:\" everybody else on your list, instead use the Blind Carbon Copy, or \"Bcc:\" feature, which keeps your mailing list private.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nIn addition to protecting your mailing list from receiving junk e-mail, this small measure also prevents the highly annoying situation where a less computer-savvy recipient hits \"Reply to All\" instead of simply \"Reply\".  ", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("169", "2008-01-03", "AT&T/SBC/Yahoo Internet blocks outgoing e-mails", "Over the past few years, several of our clients have had a problem sending outgoing e-mails if their Internet Service Provider (ISP) was AT&T/SBC/Yahoo DSL.  This is because that particular company blocks port 25, the port used for outgoing SMTP e-mails, as an anti-SPAM measure.  Users are only allowed to send outgoing e-mails through their SBC account using authentication unless they opt out of port blocking.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nIf you have this problem, simply go to the following web site: <a href=\"\"></a> and fill out the form completely.  \r\n\r\n<BR><BR>Pull down the <i>Abuse Type Menu</i> and choose <b>*** Opt Out Port 25</b>.  It will take about a day for the changes to be\r\ncompleted, but you will be able to send outgoing e-mails from non-SBC e-mail accounts in the future.", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("170", "2008-01-13", "All printers have disappeared!!", "One of the most important Windows services is the <b>Print Spooler</b>.  The print spooler controls all aspects of printing, and when this service is not running, all printer functions are disabled.  The end-user generally realizes that there is a problem because their \"Printers\" folder is empty.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nIf your printers have disappeared, <u>follow these steps</u> to restart the print spooler service:\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR>1.  Open up the Start Menu > Settings > Control Panel\r\n<BR>2.  Choose Administrative Tools > Services\r\n<BR>3.  Scroll down to the \'Print Spooler\' service\r\n<BR>4.  Right click on the service, and choose \'Restart\'\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<IMG SRC=\"\\images\\printspooler.JPG\" BORDER=\"\" ALT=\"\">\r\n<BR><BR>Voila!  Your printers should be functioning again.", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("171", "2008-01-20", "Some points to consider before purchasing that incredibly cheap computer...", "Nowadays there are computers and laptops flying off of the shelves (or being delivered to homes and offices) at ridiculously low prices.  Before you go ahead and purchase one of these systems, consider the following:\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>1.  What will be the main function of this computer?<BR></B>\r\n  - Many of our clients have purchased systems which do not adequately fit the intended purpose of the computer.  For example, if you buy a computer with Windows XP Home or Vista Home edition it cannot connect to a Domain Controller\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>2.  What types of peripherals do you have?<BR></B>\r\n  - Many new computers do not have IEEE-1294 (i.e. parallel printer) ports.  This means you will have to also purchase a mini-print server, or a new printer to connect to your new machine if yours does not have this port.  Several new models also do not come with PS/2 ports\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>3.  Operating System Considerations<BR></B>\r\n  - Several of our clients have purchased systems with Windows Vista only to find out that their software is not yet Vista-compatible.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nFor these reasons, as well as several others, it is highly recommended that you discuss new computer purchases with your local computer consultant, who can help you choose a system that fits your needs, rather than trying to shove a square object into a round space.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nConcise Computer Consulting, LLC is an authorized reseller of IBM/Lenovo and Dell products.  We are able to not only assist you with technological recommendations, but we also resell these products at less-than-retail prices.  Give us a call when you are ready to upgrade!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("172", "2008-01-30", "Google Directions in Detroit area!", "Just in case you ever wondered how long it would take to jump on the bus and get around town, google now offers the following service in select cities <b>including the Metro-Detroit area</b>:  <a href=\"\"> Google Transit </a>.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nOr, if you prefer to drive around, you can always use <a href=\"\">Google Maps</a>.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nEnjoy!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("173", "2008-02-12", "Can\'t open Office 2007 documents?", "Many clients have recently begun to ask for assistance in opening proprietary Microsoft Office 2007 documents.  Most of these clients have either Office XP (2002), or Office 2003.  There is now a compatibility pack available from Microsoft which will enable those who do not have the latest version of Microsoft Office to open files created in it.  \r\n<BR><BR>\r\nYou can download this file <A href=\"\">here</a> from Microsoft\'s web site.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nAs always, don\'t hesitate to contact us if you need assistance!\r\n", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("174", "2008-02-24", "Avoid national chains for PC repair!", "A recent consumer investigation was brought to our attention which we feel would be beneficial for our clients and the general public at large to view:\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<A HREF=\"\">10TV News Investigation on National Computer Repair Companies</A>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nAvoid the national chains!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("175", "2008-03-12", "How to apply effects/transitions to all slides in Windows Movie Maker", "In Windows Movie Maker, it is a real hassle to attempt to modify each and every slide\'s transition/effect.  To circumvent this problem, perform the following steps:\r\n<BR>  1.  In the list of transitions, right click on your desired transition and choose \"Copy\"\r\n<BR>  2.  Select all of your slides in the timeline using CTRL-A\r\n<BR>  3.  Now, choose Edit > Paste and your transition will be applied to all photos!\r\n<BR><BR>This is an extremely useful tip if you are trying to make a photo slide show which will be burned to DVD.", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("176", "2008-04-18", "How to fix the internet when it goes out...", "...according to South Park.  Keep in mind that this is actually the method that we always recommend when clients call and the internet is out.\r\n<br><br>\r\n(Note: This video has no vulgarity or obscenity)\r\n<br><br>\r\n<A HREF=\"\">What to do when your internet connection stops working</A>", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("177", "2008-05-07", "AVG 8.0 released!", "For those of you who are still using AVG 7.5, support from Grisoft for this excellent product will be discontinued at the end of the year.  Please proceed to the AVG Download page at <a href=\"\"></A> to obtain your free upgrade to AVG 8.0!\r\n\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don\'t hesitate to contact us!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("178", "2008-05-22", "What are the different versions of Microsoft Office 2007?", "You may have noticed that there are different versions of Microsoft Office 2007 being sold and bundled with new computers.  Here is a simple breakdown of the different versions:\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR><B>#  Microsoft Office Basic 2007 Includes:</B>\r\n<BR>    * Excel 2007\r\n<BR>    * Word 2007\r\n<BR>    * Outlook 2007\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR><B>#  Office Home and Student 2007 Includes:</B>\r\n<BR>    * Excel 2007\r\n<BR>    * PowerPoint 2007\r\n<BR>    * OneNote 2007\r\n<BR>    * Word 2007\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR><B>#  Microsoft Office Small Business 2007 Includes:</B>\r\n<BR>    * Accounting Express 2007\r\n<BR>    * PowerPoint 2007\r\n<BR>    * Excel 2007\r\n<BR>    * Publisher 2007\r\n<BR>    * Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager\r\n<BR>    * Word 2007\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR><B>#  Office Professional 2007 includes:</B>\r\n<BR>    * Access 2007\r\n<BR>    * PowerPoint 2007\r\n<BR>    * Accounting Express 2007\r\n<BR>    * Publisher 2007\r\n<BR>    * Excel 2007\r\n<BR>    * Word 2007\r\n<BR>    * Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("179", "2008-06-02", "How to disable print notification bubble messages from appearing in the taskbar...", "...some people find the little task bar bubble notification messages annoying every time that they print to a networked printer.  Here\'s how you can disable them altogether!\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n<B>To Enable or Disable Notifications of Completed Print Jobs</B>\r\n<BR>1. Click Start, and then click Printers and Faxes.\r\n<BR>2. On the File menu, click Server Properties.\r\n<BR>3. On the Advanced click the options you want to apply:\r\n<BR>• Show informational notifications for local printers. This option notifies users when a job is printed on a <BR>printer that is attached to this computer.\r\n<BR>• Show informational notifications for network printers. This option notifies users of this computer when <BR>a job is printed on a remote computer.\r\n<BR>4. For client computers that are running versions of Windows earlier than Microsoft Windows 2000 that <BR>access the printers on this computer, there are additional configuration options to choose from:\r\n<BR>• Notify when remote documents are printed. This option sends a message to the user who sent a job <BR>to a printer that is attached this computer.\r\n<BR>• Notify computer, not user, when remote documents are printed. This option sends a message to the computer from which the print job was sent, regardless of which computer on which the sending user is currently logged on.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nTaken from <a href=\"\"></A>", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("180", "2008-06-04", "Having Dual Monitors Increases Performance!", "Studies have shown that having multiple computer monitors increases performance and efficiency!  For more information, check out this link:  <a href=\"\"> </a>.", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("181", "2008-07-08", "What to do if you can\'t change your desktop wallpaper", "Every so often a client of ours runs into a problem where they cannot change their desktop wallpaper.  The cause of this issue is often virus/spyware related.  Here are a few tips which should solve such issues:\r\n<br><br>\r\n<b>Method #1</b>\r\n · Save the following text in a file, and name it dwpfix.reg:\r\n<br><br>\r\nWindows Registry Editor Version 5.00\r\n<br><br>\r\n[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\ActiveDesktop]\r\n<br><br>\r\n[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\ActiveDesktop]\r\n<br><br>\r\n[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System]\r\n\"NoDispBackgroundPage\"=-\r\n\"NoSaveSettings\"=-\r\n\"Wallpaper\"=-\r\n\"WallpaperStyle\"=-\r\n<br><br>\r\n[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System]\r\n\"NoDispBackgroundPage\"=-\r\n\"NoSaveSettings\"=-\r\n\"Wallpaper\"=-\r\n\"WallpaperStyle\"=-\r\n<br><br>\r\n<b>Method #2</b>\r\n<br>  · Click Start, Run and enter regedit\r\n<br>  · Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\ CurrentVersion\\Policies\r\n<br>  · If folder Policies contains a folder named ActiveDesktop, select and delete it.\r\n<br>  · Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\ Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\r\n<br>  · If folder Policies contains a folder named ActiveDesktop, select and delete it.\r\n<br><br>\r\nAs always, if you aren\'t comfortable making these changes, don\'t hesitate to <a href=\"\">Contact Us</A>.  ", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("182", "2008-07-22", "Avoid WinAntiVirus2009 Like the Plague!!", "In the past week or two, several of our clients have become infected with the WinAntiVirus2009 trojan malware.  If you are prompted to download this program, hit Alt-F4, which will close the download window, and proceed by performing a full anti-virus and full anti-spyware scan of your system.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions, don\'t hesitate to contact us.  Remember, be careful what you click on!", "Team Concise", "", "1");
INSERT INTO `blogs` VALUES("183", "2008-08-03", "Best Practices for AntiVirus and AntiSpyware", "<B>The following are some best practices that should be considered for the prevention of Virus and Spyware infections:</B>\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n1)  Clean out temporary internet files regularly (this can be done using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, or utilities such as CleanUp! or CCLeaner)\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n2)  Use Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, as it is far more secure\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n3)  Run Anti-Virus scans nightly or weekly.  We prefer <a href=\"\">Grisoft AVG</a> over other Anti-Virus products.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n4)  Run Anti-Spyware scans nightly or weekly using Ad-Aware and SpyBot Search & Destroy\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n5)  Be sure that Anti-Virus program is up to date (the program updates itself daily, however sometimes a reboot is required to activate the updates).  So, I guess this point should read \"Reboot computers nightly or at least once per week\"\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n6)  Update the anti-spyware definitions in Ad-Aware and SpyBot regularly.  Since these are free programs, this is not done automatically\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n7)  Last, but certainly not least, if something suspicious pops up on your screen, do not simply try to deal with it yourself, since the people that design viruses and spyware word the prompts deceptively.  If you click \"No\", it might mean yes!  <a href=\"\">Call Concise</a> in these cases and we can jump onto your computers with remote access software and deal with the threat for you.  We don\'t bill for anything that takes less than 5 minutes to fix.\r\n<BR><BR>\r\nHappy Surfing!", "Team Concise", "", "1");

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