Graphing functions and aggregates

Issue #23 resolved
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

Graphing functions and aggreagates seems to be a mess.

First of all, I would take them together in one inferences since: * Aggregates are in fact functions (set -> element) * If we have something like f(x) = #{..} things go wrong if the order of the graphing is not right

Next: what needs to happen with constants? Shouldn't we make a unary predicate for them since they are in fact functions? I think this does not happen.

Last: the file max3.idp fails if you graph its functions when the grounderfactory visits the theory. It works if you don't do this (shouldn't be the case)

Another important thing here is: when the grounderfactory visits a theory, it graphs functions only when it is visiting predforms. Why not do this once in the beginning, why wait with all the transformations for specific cases?

We should move them as high as possible in the hierarchy to avoid doing things double.

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