IDP quits without explanation

Issue #520 invalid
Ingmar Dasseville created an issue

IDP should explain why he suddenly stops


>>> Search start
> restarts              : 1
> decisions             : 1  (0 % random)
> conflicts             : 0
> propagations          : 3
> conflict literals     : 0  (-nan % deleted)
> 1 model found
>>> Search done
Starting approximation at 40ms
Applying propagation to structure

Comments (7)

  1. Bart Bogaerts

    As the program was killed externally, this is not a bug

    (no program can give a reason for stopping if you (or the os) kill(s) it brutally (instead of gently asking the program to stop) )

  2. Ingmar Dasseville reporter

    One could use a wrapper process for the real process, which detects the kill by the OS and displays an appropriate error message.

    On a related note: why does the program still say "Killed" instead of just being shut down without any message?

  3. Bart Bogaerts

    I think it is not IDP printing this message, but rather the terminal who prints this ("killed" gets printed, even if you redirect all IDP's output streams somewhere else

  4. Broes De Cat

    Killed is printed by the operation system. You could also not wrap IDP, as this results in various other issues related to signal passing to IDP. I do not immediately see a way to allow this, but if anyone knows one, feel free ;)

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