
Issue #594 on hold
Former user created an issue

Warning: Verifying and/or autocompleting input structures.

Generating an unsatisfiable subset of the given theory. Error: Third-party, non-descript error thrown. This is the merged theory: theory Tverifications : V { (! h[Heap] m[Matches] p[Player] t[Time] : (~Takes(p,h,m,t) | (Turn(p,t) & ((m > 0) & (? m1[Matches] : (Nb(h,m1,t) & (m =< m1))))))) (! t[Time] : (GameOver(t) | (1 = #[ { h[Heap] m[Matches] p[Player] : Takes(p,h,m,t) : 1 } ]))) (! p[Player] t[Time] : (Winner(p,t) <=> (Turn(p,t) & (! h[Heap] : Nb(h,0,t))))) { ! h[Heap] m[Matches] : Nb(h,m,Start) <- I_Nb(h,m). ! h[Heap] m[Matches] t[Time] : Nb(h,m,Next(t)) <- (C_Nb(h,m,t) | (Nb(h,m,t) & ~(? m1[Matches] : (C_Nb(h,m1,t) & (m ~= m1))))). ! t[Time] : GameOver(Next(t)) <- (GameOver(t) | C_GameOver(t)). } { ! dm[Matches] h[Heap] m[Matches] t[Time] : C_Nb(h,-int,int : int,t) <- (? p[Player] : (Nb(h,m,t) & Takes(p,h,dm,t))). ! t[Time] : C_GameOver(t) <- (? p[Player] : Winner(p,t)). } { ! p[Player] : Turn(p,Start) <- I_Turn(p). ! p[Player] t[Time] : Turn(p,Next(t)) <- ~Turn(p,t). } }

Searching for a model

Comments (7)

  1. Broes De Cat

    Cannot reproduce, just keeps on searching for the unsat core. Maybe memory overflow if they let it run for a long time?

  2. Bart Bogaerts

    Dit is waarschijnlijk onder windows.

    Daar krijg je volgens mij die foutmelding als hij in memory overflow gaat...

  3. Bart Bogaerts

    binnen eclipse of niet getest?

    Ik weet niet of eclipse daar voor iets kan tussen zitten en hb die foutmelding vandaag binnen eclipse onder windows gezien.

  4. Willem Van Onsem

    @Broes: Misschien moet men er toch eens aan denken om voor dit soort testen een virtual machine te gebruiken (bijvoorbeeld met Windows) en beperkter RAM...

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