Grounding seems slow

Issue #700 new
Joachim Jansen created an issue

Attached is a file in which the grounding takes 15 seconds. Since XSB can do this in <5 seconds, it is believed that IDP should be able to do this even faster.

Somehow the grounding process in IDP is inefficient for this file.

Run details:


[runlim] time: 15.27 seconds

[runlim] space: 1193.5 MB


[runlim] time: 5.03 seconds

[runlim] space: 775.3 MB

Comments (2)

  1. Broes De Cat

    Turns out to be completely in the groundtranslator, which uses a map where sometimes a dedicated array would suffice (and be a lit faster than searching through the map). Among others in

        auto& symbolinfo = *symbols[symboloffset.offset];
        auto jt = symbolinfo.tuple2atom.find(args);
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