XSB: floats and definitions

Issue #724 resolved
fredericg created an issue

First issue: Why can one not place hardcoded floats in definitions? e.g. Calc(k) = 0.2*Income(k) <- HasLoan(k), yields UNEXPECTED FLNUMBER I found a workaround though: replace the hardcoded float with a constant and interpret it in the structure.

Second issue[see attached file]: XSB fails to calculate definitions involving floats, although all floats are known (none have to be "generated") gives:

Partial Forward Continuation...
... call_c/1
... call_c/1
... call_c/1
... call_c/1

Comments (12)

  1. Joachim Jansen

    Enkel voor second issue kan ik iets doen. De eerste issue, wat is daar het probleem van? De parser?

  2. fredericg reporter


    De master binnenhalen doe je toch zo he? :

    1. git clone git@bitbucket.org:krr/idp.git
    2. git submodule update
    3. git submodule init
    4. builden

    Want heb dit net gedaan en krijg telkens:

    frederic@frederic:~/idp_install_m/bin$ ./idp ~/Dropbox/KUL/master/masterproef/idp_workspace/belfius/xsb_test.idp
    Warning: Verifying and/or autocompleting structure struc
    Partial Forward Continuation...
    ... call_c/1
    ... call_c/1
    ... call_c/1
    ... call_c/1
    Segmentatiefout (geheugendump gemaakt)
  3. Joachim Jansen

    In de meest recente XSB branch is het opgelost. (threevalued_calcdefs), deze week zal ik hem proberen te mergen

  4. fredericg reporter

    Probleem 1 is opgelost. Probleem 2 is nog steeds een probleem

    Krijg nog steeds:

    frederic@frederic:~/idp_install_m/bin$ ./idp ~/Dropbox/KUL/master/masterproef/idp_workspace/belfius/xsb_test.idp
    Warning: Verifying and/or autocompleting structure struc
    Partial Forward Continuation...
    ... call_c/1
    ... call_c/1
    ... call_c/1
    ... call_c/1
    Segmentatiefout (geheugendump gemaakt)

    Zie nieuwe attachment voor bestand in kwestie.

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