Maketrue/false/unknown do not check arity

Issue #730 closed
Broes De Cat created an issue

Resulting in a segfault if the arity is wrong.

Comments (9)

  1. Ingmar Dasseville

    An error is thrown in the PredInter::moveTupleFromTo function which is called from maketrue/false/unknown

  2. Broes De Cat reporter
    • changed status to open

    Please test properly ;) An error is thrown if the code gets to moveFrom..., but it can crash earlier.

  3. Ingmar Dasseville

    I cannot reproduce the issue, it works when I test with this:

    // c++
    vocabulary V{
        type Large isa nat
        Z : Large
    structure S:V{
    theory T:V{
    include <mx>
    procedure main(){
        maketrue(S[V::P],{}) --throws error
        maketrue(S[V::Z].graph,{1,2}) --throws error
  4. Broes De Cat reporter

    MakeTrueAtLeast and makeFalseAtLeast call istrue/isfalse, which I think will crash. They are called, e.g., when adding to a function interpretation directly.

  5. Broes De Cat reporter

    I looked up my mails.

    The issue was created because a call


    segfaulted, where I_XCoor has arity 2.

    As far as I can see, the relevant c++ code predates the issue, so I expected it to still hold (but did not check).

  6. Ingmar Dasseville
    ingmar@forty-two ~/b/idpRelease> idp /tmp/rommel.idp 
    Warning: Verifying and/or autocompleting structure S
    Error: Adding a tuple of size 2 to a predicate with arity 1
    vocabulary goal {
        type XCo isa nat
        I_XCoor : XCo
    theory T : goal{
    structure S : goal{
        XCo = {1..10}
    procedure main(){

    I know the behaviour of makefalse has changed at some point from makefalse -> makefalseExactly. Maybe that caused it to solve the issue

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