Bug in XSB: recursion over negation

Issue #857 resolved
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

The test

[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from ModelExpansionLong/SlowMXsatTest
[ RUN      ] ModelExpansionLong/SlowMXsatTest.DoesSlowMXWithBounds/11
Testing /home/bartb/software/idp/tests/mx/satmxlongrunning/SATdpll.idp
Mx took 0.54 sec
Found SAT, expected SAT.
[       OK ] ModelExpansionLong/SlowMXsatTest.DoesSlowMXWithBounds/11 (1969 ms)
[----------] 1 test from ModelExpansionLong/SlowMXsatTest (1969 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (1969 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1 test.

in slow started to fail after acceptance of the pull request "xsb recursion over negation".

(I'm guessing that something goes wrong in the checks).

This file has a lot of definitions, hence is probably a good test example...

After inclusion of the recursion over negation:

[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from ModelExpansionLong/SlowMXsatTest
[ RUN      ] ModelExpansionLong/SlowMXsatTest.DoesSlowMXWithBounds/11
Testing /home/bartb/software/idp/tests/mx/satmxlongrunning/SATdpll.idp
Mx took 0.57 sec
Found an invalid partial model.
structure  : V {
  Clause = { 1..6 }
  Lit = { 1; 2; 3; "min1"; "min2"; "min3" }
  Sign = { "n"; "p" }
  Step = { 0..20 }
  Assigned = {  }
  BTStep = { 0,0; 1,0; 4,4; 5,5; 6,6; 7,7; 8,8; 9,9; 10,10; 11,11; 12,12; 13,13; 14,14; 15,15; 16,16; 17,17; 18,18; 19,19; 20,20 }
  BackTracked = { 1,0; 2,0; 3,0; 4,0; 5,0; 6,0; 7,0; 8,0; 9,0; 10,0; 11,0; 12,0; 13,0; 14,0; 15,0; 16,0; 17,0; 18,0; 19,0; 20,0 }
  Conflict = { 0; 1; 2 }
  InClause = { 1,2; 1,"min1"; 2,3; 2,"min2"; 3,"min1"; 3,"min3"; 4,1; 4,"min2"; 5,2; 5,"min3"; 6,1; 6,3 }
  PropTrue = { 0,1; 0,2; 0,3; 0,"min1"; 0,"min2"; 0,"min3"; 1,1; 1,2; 1,3; 1,"min1"; 1,"min2"; 1,"min3"; 2,1; 2,2; 2,3; 2,"min1"; 2,"min2"; 2,"min3" }
  SAT = false
  SAT = {  }
  True = {  }
  UNSAT = { 2; 3 }
  ChoiceLit = { 0->"min3"; 1->3; 2->3 }
  MaxStep = 3
  Neg = "n"
  Neg = { 1->"min1"; 2->"min2"; 3->"min3"; "min1"->1; "min2"->2; "min3"->3 }
  Pos = "p"
/home/bartb/software/idp/tests/TestUtils.cpp:30: Failure
Value of: result
  Actual: failed
Expected: Status::SUCCESS
Which is: success
[  FAILED  ] ModelExpansionLong/SlowMXsatTest.DoesSlowMXWithBounds/11, where GetParam() = "/home/bartb/software/idp/tests/mx/satmxlongrunning/SATdpll.idp" (1469 ms)
[----------] 1 test from ModelExpansionLong/SlowMXsatTest (1469 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (1469 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] ModelExpansionLong/SlowMXsatTest.DoesSlowMXWithBounds/11, where GetParam() = "/home/bartb/software/idp/tests/mx/satmxlongrunning/SATdpll.idp"


Comments (14)

  1. Joachim Jansen

    The model that is produced by both versions ("old" - pre xsb recneg vs "new") is the same. The "old" version did not have the error in this particular test. For some reason, the "new" version returns a non-nil, empty "sols" at line 135 in satisfiability.idp

  2. Joachim Jansen

    Een eigenaardig geval. Het model wordt niet opnieuw geproduceerd met de voorziene output structuur. Ik vermoed dat er ergens in de lelijke stukken van ixforall/2 zit in de xsb_compiler.P

  3. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    Het is zelfs niet gewoon een model dat niet "opnieuw" wordt geprouceerd.

    Met XSB wordt er gewoon een foutief model gevonden! (zie nieuwe bijlage)

  4. Joachim Jansen

    It seems this bug has always been in the system, but only now surfaced because XSB is now turned on by default and used more extensively in tests.

  5. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    Ik dacht (maar kan mis zijn) dat hij voor het eerst faalde nadat de branch "recneg" was geintroduceerd

    (ben dus niet zeker)

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