a question about initialization in LTC

Issue #870 invalid
Runchuan Yu created an issue

Is it correct to initialize like this in LTC? in my program,when I want to initialize and change the position of robot,I use this and it can work

    ! l : robotposition(Start)=l<-I_RPosition(l).
        ! t l : robotposition(Next(t))=l <-C_RPosition(t,l).
        ! t l : robotposition(Next(t))=l <- robotposition(t)=l&~Cn_RPosition(t,l).

but when I do same thing to pallet it always give me no model,even when I change the structure to the simplest.

      ! p[pallet] l[location]:position(Start,p)=l<-I_Position(p,l).
      ! t[Time] p[pallet] l[location]: position(Next(t),p)=l<-C_Position(t,p,l).
      ! t[Time] p[pallet] l[location]: position(Next(t),p)=l<-position(t,p)=l&Cn_Position(t,p,l).

when I comment these three lines I can get some models.

I have been confused about this for whole day and I really don't know how to fix it

Comments (2)

  1. Ingmar Dasseville

    This is no place to discuss modelling problems in idp for MCS, please use e-mails for that, as other students can see everything you post here

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