larger domain leads to fewer solutions

Issue #885 resolved
Ingmar Dasseville created an issue S2 has a larger domain, so every solution of S should be contained in S2, which is not what IDP says

Comments (11)

  1. Ruben Lapauw

    Dit is zeker een bug, maar is het de juiste (2x max) ? (FDAggConstraint.cpp, regel 729-734)

    litlist FDProdConstraint::varsContributingToMax(size_t excludedVar) const {
        return varsContributingToMax(excludedVar, true);
    litlist FDProdConstraint::varsContributingToMin(size_t excludedVar) const {
        return varsContributingToMax(excludedVar, true);

    BTW deze code wordt niet gecovered in de tests.

  2. JoD

    So apparently there are plenty of issues left: Ruben found one, Ingmar found an optimization in the bound propagation, and I refactored attachclause leading to better backjumping. I'm going to try to collect these in the bugfix_prodprop branch.

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