Converting string -> double should be disabled

Issue #934 resolved
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

There is no reason in the domainelementfactory to convert strings to doubles.

Also, this gives very strainge behaviour

It is disabled in a branch bartb_nostringtodouble

Howver, a lot of tests fail. Mianly, because this connection seems to be abused in the XSB connection. Should be fixed.

SOLUTION: In the xsb connection, there is never a need to call the domainelementfactory. No elements will be created by xsb. All elements that end up in xsb code are pre-existing. Simply keep a maps from domainelements to their string-encodings (and back) to translate back-and-forth?

Comments (3)

  1. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    By now, has been fixed in a stable way in some branches. I think in joachim-readstrings Should be in master quite soon...

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