Hello, i'm face a problem with run the model using own data

Issue #2 new
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I have a question about input file structure and the plugin is stopped with my own data. I attached my own data as an input file in the plugin. can you give me the recommendation to make input files such as python or Matlab?

i used python with netCDF4 module (option = "format='NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET" )

1) Making mask= I refer to example file that was attached in instruction file. one means the data location is valid (e.g. sea for SST), zero the location is invalid (e.g. land for SST)

2) SST= missing data area is filled the "nan" value (my dataset structure = 1826, 250,250)

I can't find out the problems that plugin is stopped (limitation of memory or CPU capacity) but the program doesn't utilize any hardware because nothing changed in task manager in my computer. when I clicked output path and initializing the plugin and then stop simultaneously. however, example file doesn't make any problem, good to make the interpolated SST

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