Missing instances from TACAS'15 paper

Issue #12 resolved
Anderson Tavares created an issue

Hi, I managed to find most instances from the TACAS’15 Unigen2 paper (listed in Table 1). However, I was unable to find two of them. I looked the benchmarks both at https://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/Verification/Projects/UniGen/Benchmarks/ and https://github.com/meelgroup/sampling-benchmarks/tree/master/unigen-benchmarks. The two missing instances are:

  • demo2_new
  • diagStencil_new (there are diagStencil.sk_35_36.cnf and diagStencilClean.sk_41_36.cnf in these repositories, but they have different numbers of variables and clauses)

They are both interesting because demo2_new is the largest formula, and diagStencil_new has the largest independent support.

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