No Sound

Issue #3 closed
张朝勇 created an issue

I compiled the source code and use the static library in my project. All right, but there is no sound whenever I send midi message to the fluidsynth with method:

fluid_synth_noteon(synth, 0, 60, 127);

Comments (6)

  1. Steven Yi repo owner

    It's hard to say what is happening. The library does not directly make sound on its own; one has to read the samples from the library then send it to audio output (i.e, send values in an OpenSL callback). Are you saying you are getting zeroes for audio sample output from the library?

  2. 张朝勇 reporter

    The output sound with OpenGL sounds noisily. What fluidsynth version is the project based on?

  3. Steven Yi repo owner

    Do you mean OpenSL? Looks to be 1.0.9. You may have byte ordering problems and should check if a conversion is necessary for little-endian -> big-endian.

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