Migrate gigglejungle to HostUs

Issue #4 resolved
Kun Xi repo owner created an issue

This is a hairy process due to the following precondition: the domain is hosted in GoDaddy, but the DNS server is hosted in iPage

So we need to update the DNS server and web app, and expect zero downtime. The proposed solution is:

  1. deploy the webapp to iPage(done)
  2. deploy the webapp to HostUs with all virtual host set. You may need a custom Host header for testing(done)
  3. update the host name to point to HostUs in GoDaddy
  4. Use the GoDaddy's DNS server

So in each step, regardless where DNS server is hosted and where is pointed, the content is always accessible.

Move domain to NameSilo or NameCheap is currently out of the scope.

Comments (8)

  1. Kun Xi reporter

    Also we need to update the nginx config:

    • add cache control for all static HTML pages, 3 hours
    • add 304 redirect for the old page
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