Delete old versions of entire space

Issue #4 resolved
Auke Miedema created an issue

It would be a very nice feature to have the option to delete old versions of a complete space. At the moment the only thing you can do is delete attachments page by page. In this way a space admin can cleanup his space without much hassle

Comments (5)

  1. Tina Hudson

    Hi Auke, yes! It's a good idea. It will be added in the next release.

    Thanks for your contribution.

    Best regards, Tina.

  2. Auke Miedema reporter

    Hi Tina, Thanks for your quick response, any idea when the next release will be?

    By the way, we discussed this issue further internally, and thought that the add-on would be even more useful if one could schedule a recurring job that would purge any old versions of the attachments... What do you think?

    kind regards, Auke

  3. Patrick van der Rijst Account Deactivated

    +1 -> "will be added in next release" comment comes from 2016. We'd love to see this.

  4. Tina Hudson

    Hi Auke, Patrick,

    it has been a long time, our apologies for the delay.

    We have just released a new 2.4.0 version which resolves this issue.


    Best regards, Tina

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