Set a maximum attendees

Issue #1 resolved
Patrick van der Rijst created an issue

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Comments (4)

  1. Laurenz Kupper
    • changed status to open

    Hi Patrick, thanks for reaching out. We're starting working on that. We will keep you informed on progress.

    Cheers, Kupper Software Team

  2. Patrick van der Rijst Account Deactivated reporter


    When you can set a maximum, it could be a nice feature to have a sort of waiting list as well. You can check Meetups how they do it. When there's a max of 20 people, others can still sign up but you'll be put on a waiting list. If someone cancels their RSVP the first one in line will be added.

  3. Tina Hudson

    Hello Patrick, Our apologize for the delay. We just released 1.1.0 version includes this feature.

    Please, do not hesitate to give us your feedback.

    Thanks, Tina Hudson Kupper Software Team

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