Expected macros not in the list

Issue #3 resolved
Masayo Kobashi created an issue

While this macro seems to be perfect for preparing for Confluence version update, there are addons that are in use yet not showing up in the dropdown to select. I've tried the search by using all keywords I can think of. Please advise.

Comments (5)

  1. Tina Hudson

    Hi Masayo,

    Please verify that the searched addon is enabled and it contains macros.


    Best regards,


  2. Masayo Kobashi reporter

    Hi, Tina. They are enabled, but how do I check on the macros? The modules are all installed. Thanks.

  3. Tina Hudson

    HI Masayo,

    Macro usage add-on only displays add-ons that contains macros.

    In order to verify if Macro usage works well, you can check with a known add-on which contains macros.

    Example: Our add-on Responsive Image Slider contains two macros. If it’s installed and not appeared in the macro usage search then we have an issue!


  4. Tina Hudson

    Hi Masayo,

    I change the status to resolved.

    Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

    Best regards,


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