Meeting worklog

Issue #12 resolved
Former user created an issue

When meeting is closed and we could log work automatically from app, that is great. However, we've found the worklog start time counts from when the meeting is ended instead of when the meeting starts. This will generate worklog overlap of a participate if he starts to log on other issues --> see attachment as an example

Comments (4)

  1. kyona repo owner


    people log their work, after work has been done. So, firstly user works on issue, than creates a work log, how much time he has spent. Creation time of work log entry is always after time, when work was started. When user starts his work on some issue, he does not know, how much time he will spend on it to solve (log work in front ) When Jira builds work log reporting, it takes into account only the day on which work log was created.

    The same is implemented by meeting app. After meeting it is possible to log work for participants, who has attended meeting.

    Point me please, if this clarifying somehow this open point?

    Are you using some plugin to create work logs on issues? (which one? does it have option to book time after work is done, not before?) Give me please more information, so that I can discuss option to book time at meeting start time.



  2. kyona repo owner

    I understood, what you mean.

    There is date started field, that is used for work log. This should be logically set to meeting start time. We will adjust this. Thank you very much for your feedback.



  3. kyona repo owner

    A new version 6.0 has been published, it has a fix for Date Started time for work log.

    Thank you very much for your feedback.

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