Requesting dates and times available of an agenda

Issue #20 new
Paris Paez created an issue

Hello, I am considering this app for my project, but I have a question, my project consists on having a Service Desk project where customers would submit their requests for getting scheduled into an agenda, I need to know if this app could let me have a field in the customer portal where the customers would select the date and time available from any of the coming agenda meetings. Is that possible? thanks.

Comments (2)

  1. kyona repo owner

    Hello dear @{5e81f9b5870bed0c17b257de} ,

    so far there is no extra field available for Service Desk, where user can select his time slots, where he is available depend on the next planned "service desk" meetings.

    Can you try to explain your concept little bit more in details?

    Should customer see time slots of the preselected/predefined meetings even if they do not have access to the Jira project?

    Should customers be able to push their tickets to the agenda of those meetings?

    The understanding of your concept is important to be able to decide, if we would enchance meeting functionality or it would be a custom feature development, we could offer to you.

    The easiest way to clarify a concept would be a video conference.
    Please let me know you availability and I would include our product owner is this call.
    My email address is kliinnglills(at)



  2. Paris Paez Account Deactivated reporter
    • Should customer see time slots of the preselected/predefined meetings even if they do not have access to the Jira project?

    Yes, they should be able to see time slots of the preselected/predefined meetings, but in my case I will grant access to my people to the project.

    • Should customers be able to push their tickets to the agenda of those meetings?

    No, agenda owners (support member) will have the final decision if the space is taken or not, if not the space is liberated. If time is over for next meeting and there are spaces available topics from next meeting could be reviewed, if topic owner wants.

    The idea is pretty simple and I think it would be a great enhancement for your app, since I have not see it on another. In our case the project is for medium to large teams (+100), where getting a space into agendas can get pretty complicated, and ensuring topics are ready to present is critical for efficiency and time saving of all team members. So, instead of having all members sending emails, instant messages, phone calls to one person to save a space into agenda, better have a Service desk project where they can submit their requests and see availability of spaces and get to “save” it, but under consideration that the agenda owner needs to approve it.

    That’s all. And of course, having minutes that can be shared would have to be a must 🙂 but I think you already have covered that one.

    Let me know your comments,



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