Access Rules for meetings

Issue #22 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello, we are currently evaluating your meeting minutes Add-on. "Alignment Meeting Board" One of our most important requirements is, that only the meeting attendees (and defined copy receivers) can access the meeting-issues. We would like to store all minutes in one Jira project and therefore we would need such access limitations. Is this currently possible, to avoid that all other project participants have general access to all meeting issues? Thanks & Regards, Jens

Comments (2)

  1. kyona repo owner

    Hi Jens,

    it is possilbe to achieve what you want using Jira standard Issue Security Schemes.

    All you need is to give public access to all users to meeting-project. And then assign issue security scheme to that project, which will restict access to current issue depend on defined issue levels. So you can set per default issue visibility only for reporter and meeting invitees, in such manner no other users will be able to see issue even with access to meeting-project.

    Here is link about security issue scheme

    And here is an example, how security levels could be defined (depend on your requirements).

    Hope this answer your question.

    If you have other rechnical questions regaring meeting plugin, do not hesistate and ask me. We can also make a small demonstration of meeting plugin, if you are interesting in.



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