Error while cloning meeting: "Can not clone the meeting, unable to copy custom field. Index: 0, Size: 0"

Issue #29 resolved
Former user created an issue

While trying to clone a meeting (> More > Clone Meeing) we always get the following error message in the UI: "Can not clone the meeting, unable to copy custom field. Index: 0, Size: 0". In the Jira log no error is logged. (App doesn't use logger - setting log level for package "de.kyona" to debug has no effect). Looking at the performed REST request: - GET with status code 200 - response

{"success":false,"errorMessage":"Index: 0, Size: 0"}

installed version: 6.4.1-jira8

Comments (8)

  1. Frank Hess

    Seems like System.out and printStackTrace is used… looking at stderr-logs:

    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(
        at de.kyona.projectoffice.plugins.meeting.components.common.CloneMeetingDetails.cloneMeeting(

  2. kyona repo owner

    Hi Frank Hess,

    thank you for request.

    Seems that on meeting issue screen there are some multi value fields, which are empty, which breaks cloning of the meeting.

    We fixed it, fix will be available in next meeting version.

    Could you try then to check, if that fix will work for you?

    Best regards,


  3. Andree Knoche

    Hallo Kliinnglills,

    kannst du uns schon was dazu sagen, wann die neue Version erscheinen wird?

    Viele Grüße

  4. kyona repo owner

    Hello Andree, Hi Frank,

    new version of meeting plugin (6.8-jira8) has been published.

    Please try to clone meeting, if it will not work, I propose to make a video call, to check exactly, how your meeting screens are configured.



  5. Andree Knoche

    We have installed the new plugin version and the user reported that he is now able to clone meetings again.

  6. kyona repo owner

    Hallo Andree,

    freut mich sehr, falls andere Fragen gibt, sagt mir Bescheid.

    Viele Grüße,


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