Holy Pomanders

Issue #1 resolved
Sahar Atias created an issue

Well there's a bug atm with holy pomanders apperantly. If you take a subclass get 3rd class you get the holy pomanders, however if you decide to delete that sub and later on decide to make it again, you won't get holy pomanders anymore (and neither skills, ofcourse).

Since these items can only be in inventory (not depositable etc) then I belive best solution would be to unset the variable related to holy pomander when deleting a subclass incase a pomander cannot be found in inventory (Which means in other words that it was used for learning a skill, which will get erased anyway upon sub deletion).

Comments (8)

  1. Lucas de la Torre

    Probably works but it's not a correct solution. You are adding logic of skill transfer inside the core when is located inside de datapack.

    But as i said, like hotfix is ok :D Thank you!

  2. HorridoJoho

    @Krunchy The patch looks clean. For my clarification:

    1. ProfessionCancel is when you delete a subclass?

    2. HolyPomander is an item you get when you take a subclass. That has to be removed when you delete a subclass?

    Tell me a little bit about it so i undertsand how it should work.

  3. bouh bouh

    ProfessionCancel is called in L2PcInstance:modifySubClass This methode delete the currentSubclass and finally call addSubClass method

    Yes the HolyPomander items must be deleted when you delete a subclass to prevent the storage of this items without the linked subclass. and if an HolyPomander item are missing on logout this patch will give it you back.

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