summon/pet with nobless

Issue #118 invalid
FinalDestination created an issue

summon/pet when is buffed with nobless and die should remove only nobless from buffs while is dead and keep the others now when is dead remove all when u summon it again got the buffs work ok this is visual when is under death

Comments (3)

  1. Marduk

    I just did 2 tests on the L2J testserver. First test with a pet and second test with a summon. I gave them some random buffs including noblesse buff. When they died and were resummened/resurrected, they had all buffs still on them. Noblesse blessing disappeared. To show you that this not a visual bug, I removed the buffs at the end. In the stats sheet of the pet/summon you can see that the stats are decreasing because i removed the buffs.

    Test with pet:

    Test with summon:

    Therefore this ticket is invalid

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