dispelbycategory formula

Issue #128 resolved
FinalDestination created an issue

i made some tests in l2off and i notice cancelleration seems more powerful rate there than l2j here is a image with black paint is the buffs which was cancelled


Comments (7)

  1. FinalDestination reporter

    cancel i added to formula (1.8 * rate) - resMod seems very close for steal i dont know its same formula maybe

  2. FinalDestination reporter

    your fix is custom in offi chance in steal divinity is 5 rate but in formula there is a multiplier

  3. FinalDestination reporter

    cancelleration in l2off most of time if u got 2 buff take the 1 and if u got 4 buff take the 2 the formula its around 50% but idk how should multiplied

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