Cursed Weapons drop in Gracia cause minimap Issue

Issue #178 new
ShinichiYao created an issue

If Cursed Weapons dropped in Gracia Area, all players online open map will auto display Gracia Area even they're at Aden Area and unable to change to Aden map.

Comments (3)

  1. Marduk

    Tested this right now on the L2J Testserver. Bug confirmed.

    My test char was staying in Giran when the CW was on Gracia continent. When you open the map it shows giran normally. However, if you minimize giran city it jumps to gracia right away. You can no longer switch bach to Aden continent. The only solution is to click on “my location”. If you close the map again afterwards it begins from the start again.

    Video link:

  2. ShinichiYao reporter

    My work around

    public synchronized void checkDrop(L2Attackable attackable, L2PcInstance player)
        // Cursed weapons cannot drop in instance
        if (attackable.getInstanceId() != 0)
    +   // Don't allow Cursed weapons drop in Gracia
    +   if (attackable.getX() < L2World.GRACIA_MAX_X)
    +   {
    +       return;
    +   }
        // If player reach Lv80 do not drop
        if (player.getLevel() >= 80)
        if ((attackable instanceof L2DefenderInstance) || (attackable instanceof L2RiftInvaderInstance) || (attackable instanceof L2FestivalMonsterInstance) || (attackable instanceof L2GuardInstance) || (attackable instanceof L2GrandBossInstance) || (attackable instanceof L2FeedableBeastInstance)
            || (attackable instanceof L2FortCommanderInstance))
        for (CursedWeapon cw : _cursedWeapons.values())
            if (cw.isActive())
            if (cw.checkDrop(attackable, player))

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