Custom Zones

Issue #180 invalid
John Maco created an issue

Regards and sorry again for the inconvenience. This time I have a smaller problem, or so it seems. I have tried to create a custom zone, or more specifically, to change a zone that is normally of mobs, to make it a city and peacezone. The problem is that in the guides I find does not say which files need to be changed exactly, plus some like the "vertices.xml" kind do not exist anymore in L2j

So far I have tried in Custom_town.xml, peace.xml, zone.xml (from game / data / zones) and creating a custom .xml in mapregion folder but nothing works, as if nothing had changed.

¿Is there any other place where the zones need to be registered or something? :/

Comments (3)

  1. Marduk

    I just did a test on my server. Normally inside ruins of despair, there is no zone registred. I created a peace and townzone and it worked.


    <zone name="ruins_of_despair_townzone" type="TownZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-3898" maxZ="-3895">
            <node X="-20160" Y="140043" />
            <node X="-20728" Y="139783" />
            <node X="-20991" Y="140381" />
            <node X="-21048" Y="141133" />
            <node X="-20171" Y="141468" />
            <node X="-19820" Y="140886" />


    <zone name="ruins_of_despair_peacezone" type="PeaceZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-3898" maxZ="-3895">
            <node X="-20160" Y="140043" />
            <node X="-20728" Y="139783" />
            <node X="-20991" Y="140381" />
            <node X="-21048" Y="141133" />
            <node X="-20171" Y="141468" />
            <node X="-19820" Y="140886" />

    Therefore this issue is invalid.

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